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Everything You Need To Create Transparent Windows With Tkinter

learn python with transparent windows with tkinter video

The best part of using the Tkinter GUI framework in Python is that you can get full control of the elements you want to add to your application. The widget-based system makes it easy to input elements and functions using a simple line of codes and commands. There are many areas to explore in Tkinter and despite the apparent simplicity, you will be surprised by the things you can do in this framework and the right IDE software or editor.

In this video, John Elder of Codemy will teach us how to turn windows into transparent. Generally, this can be done easily by using the attributes function and the Alpha method. Simply set your desired parameters and the app can be launched and shown in whatever transparency level you set. Interestingly, John will also teach us how to add additional functionality including a slider that allows us to change the opacity when the app is already running. To learn more, feel free to watch the tutorial video below.

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