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This Is How To Use Unicode Characters In Your Python Script

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Unicode plays a large role in programming especially when you want to input a special character or symbol in your Python project. Whether you are building a simple app, a database project, or anything in between, you will surely need to input a Unicode somewhere. Interestingly, Tkinter also supports Unicode and you can easily execute them through a simple line of codes.

How can I use and display Unicode characters in a Python script?

In this video, John Elder of Codemy will teach us how to use Unicode Characters and Special Characters with Tkinter and Python. Interestingly, using these special characters in Tkinter is surprisingly super easy. You just slap u in front of the thing, then escape out with a backslash, and then type in the Unicode characters and you’re done. To learn more about how to use these special characters in Tkinter and Python, feel free to watch the Python GUI video tutorial below.

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