Python today is one of the most widely used programming languages, and it appears that this trend will stretch way past 2022 and beyond. Therefore, working on some existing Python project ideas is the finest thing you can do if you are just learning Python. A hands-on approach is helps augment academic knowledge and prepare you for the real-world workplace with practical experience. In this post, we’ll look at a few enjoyable and easy Python projects that beginners can use to practice their programming skills using the best Python editor for Windows.
Table of Contents
What are some interesting Python projects for beginners?
Project-based learning enhances student learning. Working on their projects is a requirement for ambitious developers when it comes to jobs in software development. Developing real-world projects is the best method to sharpen your abilities and translate your academic knowledge into practical experience.
How to create a number guessing game in Python?
This project is a fun game where the user must predict the generated random number within a given range after being given hints. Users are prompted with further suggestions to help them out each time their estimate is incorrect (at the cost of reducing the score).
The application also has functions determining whether the user entered a number and the discrepancy between two numbers.
For a number guessing project, we will need to implement the following:
- Take user input for a random number’s upper and lower bounds.
- Ask the user to guess a random number between the range.
- If the guess is above the number, tell the user that the number is higher.
- Tell the user the number is lower if the guess is below the number.
- If the guess is the same as the number, end the game.
- End if number of guesses exceeds a certain count, otherwise loop back to 2.
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import random import math # Taking Inputs lower = int(input("Enter Lower bound:- ")) # Taking Inputs upper = int(input("Enter Upper bound:- ")) # generating random number between # the lower and upper x = random.randint(lower, upper) print("ntYou've only ", round(math.log(upper - lower + 1, 2)), " chances to guess the integer!n") # Initializing the number of guesses. count = 0 # for calculation of minimum number of # guesses depends upon range while count < math.log(upper - lower + 1, 2): count += 1 # taking guessing number as input guess = int(input("Guess the number:- ")) # Condition testing if x == guess: if count == 1: print("Congratulations you did it in a single try!") else: print("Congratulations you did it in ", count, " tries") # Once guessed, loop will break break elif x > guess: print("You guessed too small!") elif x < guess: print("You Guessed too high!") # If Guessing is more than required guesses, # shows this output. if count >= math.log(upper - lower + 1, 2): print("nThe number is %d" % x) print("tBetter Luck Next time!") |
How can you make a rock paper scissors project in Python?
This program uses a variety of Python functions to create the gameplay so it’s an excellent opportunity to become familiar with that crucial idea.
Before making a move, the program waits for the user to take action. A string or alphabet representing rock, paper, or scissors could be used as the input. After evaluating the input string, the result function determines the winner, while the scorekeeper function updates the round’s score.
To implement a number guessing game, we need an algorithm. We can implement the project in the following way:
- Input a user action (rock, paper, or scissor).
- Generate a random action, i.e., rock, paper, or scissors.
- Use the rules of rock, paper, and scissors to determine which player is the winner.
- Output the result.
Using the above algorithm, here is what the code looks like:
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import random # Inputting user action user_action = input("Enter a choice (rock, paper, scissors): ") # Generating Computer action using the possible choices. possible_actions = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] computer_action = random.choice(possible_actions) print(f"nYou chose {user_action}, computer chose {computer_action}.n") # Using the general rules of Rock, Paper, Scissor to determine the # winner. if user_action == computer_action: print(f"Both players selected {user_action}. It's a tie!") elif user_action == "rock": if computer_action == "scissors": print("Rock smashes scissors! You win!") else: print("Paper covers rock! You lose.") elif user_action == "paper": if computer_action == "rock": print("Paper covers rock! You win!") else: print("Scissors cuts paper! You lose.") elif user_action == "scissors": if computer_action == "paper": print("Scissors cuts paper! You win!") else: print("Rock smashes scissors! You lose.") |
How does a dice roll generator work in Python?
The Dice Roll generator generates random numbers and uses the random function to simulate rolling dice. The polyhedral dice used in many boards and role-playing games can be replicated by changing the maximum value to any number.
You can use this dice roll generator to play games like ludo, snakes and ladders, and much more!
This project is simple to implement, but we can take it further and keep rolling the dice until the user says “No.” Here is what the algorithm looks like
- Input the minimum and maximum ranges from the user (these are the values the dice will randomly take.
- Input the number of dice rolls the user wants on each try.
- Generate and output the values from the dice roll.
- Ask the user if he wants to continue.
- If continues, loop back to 3.
- Else end the program
Here is what this simple program looks like:
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import random # Enter the mini and max integer limits of the dice rolls below # 1 is added to the maximum value as it is not included in the range min = int(input("Enter minimum value")) max = int(input("Enter maximum value")) + 1 # Store the user's decision roll = "yes" while roll == "yes": print("Dice rolling...") print("Dice values are :") # Printing the randomly generated variable of the dice 1 print(random.randint(min, max)) # Prompt user enters yes to continue # Any other input ends the program roll = input("Do you want to roll the dice again?") |
Is it easy to make a a calculator in Python?
Yes, it’s among the simpler projects. You can learn how to create a graphical user interface using this project, which is also a fantastic way to get to know a library like Tkinter. With the help of this library, you can design buttons that execute various tasks and show the results on the screen.
For our simple calculator, we will implement basic arithmetic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This simple terminal-based calculator will be using simple Python inputs in the terminal. The algorithm will look like this:
- Ask the user whether he wants to Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide.
- Ask the user for two numbers on which to perform the arithmetic operations.
- Output the generated new number onto the terminal screen.
Here is what our program looks like:
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# Function for addition of two numbers def add(x, y): return x + y # Function for subtraction of two numbers def subtract(x, y): return x - y # Function for multiplication of two numbers def multiply(x, y): return x * y # Function for division of two numbers def divide(x, y): return x / y print("Select operation.") print("1.Add") print("2.Subtract") print("3.Multiply") print("4.Divide") while True: # Take a choice input from the user choice = input("Enter choice of what to do(1/2/3/4): ") # Check the choice against the listed operations if choice in ('1', '2', '3', '4'): number1 = float(input("Enter first number: ")) number2 = float(input("Enter second number: ")) if choice == '1': print(number1, "+", number2, "=", add(number1, number2)) elif choice == '2': print(number1, "-", number2, "=", subtract(number1, number2)) elif choice == '3': print(number1, "*", number2, "=", multiply(number1, number2)) elif choice == '4': print(number1, "/", number2, "=", divide(number1, number2)) # Asking if user wants to do another calculation next = input("Do you want to do another calculation? (yes/no): ") if next == "no": break else: print("Invalid Input") |
Note that we have created several helper functions for the individual arithmetic functions. You can do these in line with the print statements, but we chose to do it this way to enhance code readability and make the tutorial easier to follow.
How can you create a countdown timer in Python?
A countdown timer does as its anime suggests. It counts down from the inputted number of seconds until it shows a message. It uses the time module, which is important to understand, and a relatively simple module to construct.
To make a simple countdown timer, we will use Python’s time module. The time module’s sleep method allows us to control the sleep time of our loops. We can construct an algorithm as follows:
- Input the countdown time from the user.
- Decrement from the input time every second until the time reaches zero. Output at every decrement.
Here is what our final code looks like.
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import time def countdown(t): # Looping through the time until time reaches 0 while t != 0: # Displaying the minutes and seconds remaining min, sec = divmod(t, 60) timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(min, sec) print(timer) print(“n”) # Sleeping for 1 second before decrementing the time time.sleep(1) t -= 1 # Printing that the countdown has come to an end print('Countdown over!') # Prompt user to enter the countdown time t = input("Enter the countdown time in seconds: ") # Calling the function to start counting down the time countdown(int(t)) |
What is the Mad Libs generator Python project?
Given that it uses strings, variables, and concatenation, this Python starter project is a nice place to start for newcomers. The input data that the Mad Libs Generator manipulates could be an adjective, a pronoun, or a verb. After receiving input, the program organizes the facts to create a story. If you’re new to coding, you should try this awesome Python project.
Mad Libs is a fun and easy project that even a novice can do. It is essentially a hard-coded program where you can design your own story, so you can design your own story and implement it as a code. However, some basic functionality remains the same for every Mad Libs project:
- Design a story that you want to tell with blank spaces.
- Ask the user to input answers based on a list of customized questions.
- Add the user inputs to your story and output.
Here is a sample code for a story:
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loop = 1 while (loop < 10): # List of all questions that the program asks the user noun = input("Type a noun: ") p_noun = input("Type a plural noun: ") noun2 = input("Type another noun: ") place = input("Name a place: ") adjective = input("Type an adjective: ") noun3 = input("Type a third noun: ") # Display story created based on the users input print ("Be kind to your", noun, "-handed", p_noun) print ("For a dog may be somebody's", noun2,",") print ("Be kind to your", p_noun, "in", place) print ("Where the mood is always", adjective,".n") print ("You may think whether this is the",noun3,",") print ("Well it is!") # Loop back to "loop = 1" loop = loop + 1 |
How can you create a Hangman game in Python?
Hangman is more like a guess-the-word game. While creating this project, you must employ the following fundamental concepts: variables, random, integer, strings, char, input and output, and boolean. Users must submit letter guesses in the game, and each user is given a set number of guesses (a counter variable is needed for limiting the guesses). Hangman is one of the most strongly advised projects for beginners learning Python.
Users can choose terms from a pre-arranged list of words you can generate. Additionally, you must implement particular routines to verify whether a user has submitted a single letter or if the input letter is in the hidden word to determine if the user has truly entered a single letter and print the appropriate results (letters). Here is a sample GitHub repository that will help you get started.
Is an email slicer easy to create in Python?
One of the useful Python projects that will be very useful in the future is this one. The first portion of all e-mail addresses, the part before the @ symbol, contains the alias, user, group, or department of a company. The ‘@’ is a divider in the e-mail address and is required for all SMTP e-mail addresses.
Users can construct a program to extract the username and domain of the email to create an Email slicer in Python. Even better, you may add your own customizations and include this information in a message you send to the host. Although it is a straightforward project idea, it is essential for improving your coding abilities. You can even add a front end for it using Tkinter.
However, one of the basic components of this project would be as follows:
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email = input("Enter Your Email: ").strip() username = email[:email.index('@')] domain = email[email.index('@') + 1:] |
How can I make a YouTube video downloader in Python?
Working on a YouTube video downloader project is one of the best ways to begin exploring your hands-on Python projects for kids. This is the best illustration of how to teach Python to novices in an enjoyable way. Every month, more than one billion individuals watch YouTube. We occasionally like to download certain videos permanently. YouTube does not provide that option, but you can develop an application that allows you to download YouTube videos in various file types and video quality. This project appears difficult, but once you get started, it is simple.
Before starting this project, you must install the pytube module for Python. Python does not come shipped with this module, but it can easily be installed by running the following command:
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pip install pytube |
The pytube module allows you to download youtube videos based on video links that can be provided. Moreover, it allows you to select the resolution of the video you want to download.
To create a simple Youtube downloader project, you will first ask the user to enter the video link for this program. Next, create the YouTube module’s object by passing the link as a parameter, after which you can obtain the proper video extension and resolution. You can change the file’s name to suit your needs; otherwise, the original name will be retained. Finally, use the download function, which has one parameter that specifies the file’s location, to download the file next:
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# importing the module from pytube import YouTube # Setting the save path SAVE_PATH = "C:/" #to_do # Inputting link of the youtube video to be downloaded link = input("Video Link:") try: # Creating object using YouTube yotube = YouTube(link) except: print("Unable to Connect!") # Exception handling # Filter out all files with the "mp4" extension mp4files = youtube.filter('mp4') #to set the name of the file youtube.set_filename('Sample Video') # Video resolution to download passed in the get() function d_video = youtube.get(mp4files[-1].extension, mp4files[-1].resolution) try: # Downloading the youtube video d_video.download(SAVE_PATH) except: print("Error while downloading!") print('Download Completed!') |
How do I calculate the Fibonacci series with Python?
You can use a function to determine whether a given number is part of the Fibonacci sequence or not when you input a number.
The preceding projects all share the trait of assisting you in getting your fundamentals correct. Both the developer and the bug fixer will be you. Not to add that you’ll also be working with variables, strings, numbers, operators, etc., and writing and implementing various functions.
For this program, we will be looping through a Fibonacci sequence. Here is an algorithm for the project:
- Ask the user for an input number to check the Fibonacci sequence.
- Using the first two Fibonacci terms, loop through the Fibonacci sequence until you reach a number that is either higher or equal to the input number.
- If numbers are equal, the user input-output is part of the Fibonacci series.
- If we have reached a greater number than the input, output that the user input is not part of the Fibonacci series.
Here is what an example code would look like:
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fib_terms = [0, 1] # Defining the first two numbers of the sequence user_input= int(input('Enter the number you want to checkn')) # Adding new fibonacci terms until the user_input is reached while fib_terms[-1] <= user_input: fib_terms.append(fib_terms[-1] + fib_terms[-2]) if user_input in fib_terms: print('Yes. ' + user_input + 'is NOT a fibonacci number.') else: print('No. ' + user_input + 'is NOT a fibonacci number.') |
Which IDE should I use to create and build these beginner Python example programs?
If you’re a beginner, PyScripter would be your best option. PyScripter started out as a straightforward IDE that offered a solid scripting option for Delphi applications to complement the great Python for Delphi (P4D) components. It offers a more modern user interface and is quicker than other IDEs because it is designed in a compiled language. As an excellent Python development environment, it also provides many additional features.
This incredible IDE aims to develop a Python IDE that can rival other languages’ conventional Windows-based IDEs. PyScripter is a very helpful tool because it is compact, adaptable, and packed with capabilities. PyScripter was designed from the ground up for Windows and it is significantly quicker and more responsive than cumbersome text editors, all-purpose IDEs, or other Python cross-platform IDEs.
Brace highlighting, code folding, code completion, and syntax checking as you type are some of the useful features of PyScripter. A programmer must look at this if they want to grasp this software. The simplicity of use of a programmer is enhanced by the usage of Python source code tools. Finally, you may save time using this IDE to accept files dropped from Explorer.
The finest Python IDE enables project managers to import pre-existing directories and numerous run configurations. Work is more productive thanks to its integrated unit testing because it enables the creation of automated tests. The unit testing GUI in this program is sophisticated. To enhance the quality of the product, programmers can utilize PyScripter in conjunction with Python tools like PyLint, TabNanny, Profile, and others. It’s important to note that the IDE provides a powerful parameter system for adjusting the integration of external tools.