Python’s rise among developers around the world has been documented by several well-known programming-language indexes. But UK developer-focused analyst SlashData has now put a figure on the actual number of developers that use the language.
According to SlashData in 2019, there are now 8.2 million developers in the world who code using Python and that population is now larger than those who build in Java, which numbers 7.6 million. In September 2018, there were seven million Python developers and 7.1 million Java developers.
Moreover, Python has a broad range of applications from Web development to desktop Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). Python GUI Framework encourages us to learn more about Python programming.
According to the definition of GUI, it is an interface through which a user communicates with electronic devices like computers, mobiles, and other devices. This interface utilizes symbols, icons, menus, and other graphics to display information. Related users control the text-based interface, where commands and data are in text form.
As been said before, Python GUI has a variety of frameworks that complements all platforms. It gives you the cross-platform framework and platform-specific framework. Now let’s explore the top 6 Python GUI frameworks in 2021 for upcoming developers!
Table of Contents
1. Delphi VCL

The Visual Component Library (VCL) is a visual component-based object-oriented framework for developing the user interface of Microsoft Windows applications. It is written in Object Pascal.
VCL is a set of visual components for the rapid development of Windows applications in the Delphi and C++ languages. VCL contains a wide variety of visual, non-visual, and utility classes for tasks such as building Windows applications, web applications, database applications, and console applications. All classes in VCL are descended from TObject. TObject introduces methods that implement fundamental behavior like construction, destruction, and message handling.
By integrating it with Python using Python for Delphi (P4D), you easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. You can create Python extensions as DLLs and much more.
P4D makes it very easy to use Python as a scripting language for Delphi applications. It also comes with an extensive range of demos and tutorials that ready to use and developed to solve real-world problems.
You can get it here, and read our introductory post for you to get started with Delphi VCL with Python.
2. Tkinter GUI

Tkinter is commonly bundled with Python, using Tk, and Python’s standard GUI framework. It is popular for its simplicity and graphical user interface. It is open-source and available under the Python License.
Among the other Python GUI toolkit, Tkinter is the most commonly used GUI framework in Python. And also Django Framework uses Tkinter GUI for making web pages.
One of the advantages of choosing Tkinter is that since it comes by default, there is an abundance of resources, both codes and reference books. Also with the established and active community, there are many users who can help you out in any case of doubts.
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PyQt is a Python UI framework for Qt, one of the popular cross-platform GUI framework application written in C++ language and owned by Nokia. It is Qt binding, developed by Riverbank Computing Limited. PyQT supports Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android. The PyQT has two editions one is PyQT4 built against QT 4.x. Another is PyQT5 built against QT 5.x. However, it is mostly used for desktop applications.
Both the edition compatible with Python 2 and 3. Its license is under GPL version 3. You can try its free version but some of the features are not available in it. Moreover, if the application you are Working on is open-source then you will use PyQT with a Free license. PyQT combines the best of both QT and Python and proves itself as a Graphical User Interface. Sometimes it is more than a Python GUI toolkit.
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4. Kivy GUI

Kivy GUI frameworks are more interesting Python projects as it is MIT-Licenced and based on OpenGL ES 2. OpenGL ES 2 was the first mobile graphics API and still the most available 3D graphics API. It is an open-source Python library used to create a new user interface and for the rapid development of web applications.
Kivy is one of the best GUI libraries for Python that is created around the main loop which makes it compatible with game development. This application is designed and maintained professionally and mainly used as commercial products. This framework is stable with Kivy’s graphics engine and uses modern & fast graphics pipelines.
Kivy Python GUI builder supports almost all platforms like Windows, Linux, OS X, and Android. Moreover, Kivy is a more useful GUI library because it uses the same codes for mobile and desktop applications. Furthermore, Kivy is an open-source Python GUI toolkit that is used for mobile applications and other multi-touch applications.
5. WxPython GUI

One more name in the list of best Python GUI framework is WxPython. It is a cross-platform graphical user interface in the Python programming language. This toolkit allows the programmers to create a highly effective, functional Python user interface.
WxPython is fast, easy, and simple. WxPython is achieved as a part of the Python extension module that binds the GUI elements of the famous wxWidget cross-platform library. And these elements are written in the C++ language.
WxPython is open-source. The source code is available to look at and modify as needed. It also allows the volunteer to contribute, fix, or improve the designs.
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6. PySide GUI

PySide is a free and cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt initiated and sponsored by Nokia. Qt is a UI framework and a cross-platform application. PySide currently supports Linux/X11, Mac OS X, Maemo, Windows, and support for Android is in the plan for the near future.
PySide provides tools to works with multimedia, XML documents, network, databases, and GUI. A key feature of PySide is its API compatibility with PyQt4, so if you wish to migrate to PySide then the process will be hassle-free.
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Ready to start building amazing Python GUIs?
These are some of the widely used and best Python GUI frameworks available. These frameworks help developers create GUI applications easily and securely. You can choose the Python GUI framework that is best suited for you, depending on your requirements.
Check out Python4Delphi which easily allows you to build Python GUIs for Windows using Delphi.
Check out DelphiVCL which easily allows you to build GUIs for Windows using Python.
References & further readings
[1] Vlahos, K (@PyScripter) and other contributors. (2008-2023).
Python4Delphi. GitHub. github.com/pyscripter/python4delphi
[2] Hakim, M. A. (2021).
An Introduction To DelphiVCL: A Python GUI Builder For Windows. PythonGUI.org. pythongui.org/an-introduction-to-delphivcl-a-python-gui-builder-for-windows
[3] Hakim, M. A. (2021).
Learn To Build A Flexible Hello World Python GUI In A Delphi Windows App. PythonGUI.org. pythongui.org/learn-to-build-a-flexible-hello-world-python-gui-in-a-delphi-windows-app
[4] Python Software Foundation. (2001-2023).
Graphical User Interfaces with Tk. Python Software Foundation. docs.python.org/3/library/tk.html
[5] Riverbank Computing Limited. (2022).
PyQt5 Reference Guide. Riverbank Computing Limited, The Qt Company. riverbankcomputing.com/static/Docs/PyQt5
[6] The Kivy Authors. (2010-2023).
Welcome to Kivy. The Kivy Authors. kivy.org/doc/stable
[7] The wxPython Team. (2012-2023).
wxPython API Documentation. The wxPython Team. docs.wxpython.org
[8] The Qt Company Ltd. (2023).
PySide quick start. The Qt Company Ltd. doc.qt.io/qtforpython-6/quickstart.html
There’s a lot of useful information here. But there are no links at all for learning more about a particular GUI or downloading it or installing it. I’m a Python beginner, and such links and info would be very helpful.
Hmm, perhaps we didn’t make the links obvious enough? Sorry if that’s the case!
At the bottom of the article there are two links which take you directly to Phyton GUI: https://github.com/pyscripter/python4delphi and https://pypi.org/project/delphivcl/
If you go to here: https://www.embarcadero.com/new-tools/python you will also find links to webinar replays, books and downloads of Python GUIs. Also – the whole site https://pythongui.org is dedicated to Python GUIs.