DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What Is A delphivcl.PaintBox And How Does It Work?

DelphiVCL.PaintBox or TPaintBox provides a canvas that applications can use for rendering an image when you develop Windows software. We can use TPaintBox to add custom images to a form. Unlike TImage, which displays an image that is stored in a bitmap, icon, or metafile, TPaintBox requires an application to draw the image directly on a canvas. Use the OnPaint event handler to draw on the paint…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

How To Use The Value Property For Actions and Parameters

We use the Value property to set or specify any actions or parameters in the DelphiVCL library while using the IDE software. Here is the working example of Value with CanSelect parameter: def grdTestSelectCell(Sender, Col, Row, CanSelect): if Col == 2 and Row == 2: CanSelect.Value = False In the example above, we set the CanSelect parameter to False to prevent the cell in…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Everything You Need To Know About C++ ABI Inside DelphiVCL4Python

C++ ABIs or more specifically: DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_1, DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_2, and DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_3 inside DelphiVCL.Application is C++ ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces, which are implemented under the hood, including how parameters are passed, such as in a register or on the stack). In windows development software but also especially for Linux, an…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What does the OnMessage Event in DelphiVCL.Application do?

In Windows application development the OnMessage or DelphiVCL.Application.OnMessage occurs when the application receives a message from either the Windows operating system or another application. How to use the DelphiVCL.Application.OnMessage event properly? We use the OnMessage to trap any or all Windows messages posted to all windows in the application. The OnMessage event occurs when an…
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