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Build Robust Topic Modelling Capabilities In Your Python GUI App With Powerful Gensim Library

Do you want to Train Large scale semantic NLP Models in your Delphi GUI App? This post will get to understand how to use Gensim Python Library using Python4Delphi in Delphi/C++ application and learn the core concepts of Gensim – A Superfast, Proven, Data Streaming, Platform Independent library with some pretrained models for specific domains like legal or health.

Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi. They let you easily execute Python scripts, create new Python modules and new Python types. You can use Python4Delphi a number of different ways such as:



Gensim Core concepts :

  1. Document: A document is an object of the text sequence type (commonly known as str in Python 3). A document could be anything from a short 140 character tweet, a single paragraph (i.e., journal article abstract), a news article, or a book.
  2. Corpus: a collection of documents. Serve 2 purposes.
    1. Input for training a Model. During training, the models use this training corpus to look for common themes and topics, initializing their internal model parameters.
    2. Documents to organize. After training, a topic model can be used to extract topics from new documents (documents not seen in the training corpus).Such corpora can be indexed for Similarity Queries, queried by semantic similarity, clustered etc.
  3. Vector: a mathematically convenient representation of a document.
  4. Model: an algorithm for transforming vectors from one representation to another.

Gensim Python Library sample script details: The sample scripts helps to understand how the core concepts were implemented for a simple Corpus.

<strong>Gensim Demo<strong>

Note: Samples used for demonstration were picked from here with only the difference of printing the outputs. You can check the APIs and some more samples from the same place.

You have read the quick overview of Gensim library, download this library from here, and perform NLP tasks quickly with help of models such as word2vec, Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model, FastText Model, etc. Check out Python4Delphi and easily build Python GUIs for Windows using Delphi.

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