DelphiVCL.Strings or TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings.
Use DelphiVCL.Strings or TStrings to store and manipulate a list of strings.
Descendants of TStrings can represent several individual strings, such as the individual lines that appear in a list box. Some objects use descendants of TStrings to represent one long body of the text so that it…
DelphiVCL.DateTimePicker or TDateTimePicker displays a list box for entering dates or times.
TDateTimePicker is a visual component designed specifically for entering dates or times. It resembles a list box or combo box, except that the drop-down list is replaced with…
Python Windows App: Draw A Rectangle With delphivcl.Shape
March 27, 2021
delphivcl.Shape represents a geometric shape that can be drawn on a form.
Add a Shape object to a form to draw a simple geometric shape on the form. TShape introduces properties to describe the pen used to outline the shape and the brush used to fill…
DelphiVCL.ColorBox represents a combo box that lets users select a color.
Use ColorBox to provide the user with a drop-down combo box from which to select a color. Use the Style property to specify which colors the color box should list. Each color is displayed next to a small square that is drawn in the corresponding color.
Use the Selected property to access the color that the user…
Are you looking for a simple, flexible, and powerful deep learning library, and build a nice GUI for them? You can deliver enterprise-grade AI solutions easily by combining Keras and Python4Delphi library, inside Delphi and C++Builder.
Keras is a high-level neural…
Learn About delphivcl.Control
March 23, 2021
DelphiVCL.Control is the base class for all components that are visible at run time.
DelphiVCL.Control are visual components, meaning the user can see them and possibly interact with them at run time. All controls have properties, methods, and events that describe…
Learn About delphivcl.Graphic
March 23, 2021
DelphiVCL.Graphic or TGraphic is the abstract base class type for objects such as icons, bitmaps, and metafiles that can store and display visual images.
DelphiVCL.Graphic is an abstract class that cannot be instantiated. Descendant graphics objects override many of the methods of DelphiVCL.Graphic to address the needs of their particular file format and graphical characteristics.
How to use the delphivcl.FreeConsole
March 23, 2021
When developing GUI applications and you need to provide console I/O, you need to call FreeConsole after you end your console I/O code block.
Let’s browse all the properties, methods, and built-in properties of the DelphiVCL.FreeConsole using dir()…
ActionList in DelphiVCL4Python
March 23, 2021
ActionList or TActionList maintains a list of actions that your application can take in response to something a user does, such as components and controls (e.g. menu items and buttons).
Use Action lists to centralize the response to user commands (actions). Action…
In this tutorial, we will learn about how to do data visualizations using Delphi’s TChart or TeeChart.
TChart is the 100% Native Data-Aware Charting Component Library for Delphi and C++ Builder (v5 and later) and all RAD Studio versions.
1. Generate the Dummy Data with Python
To create dummy data in Python, you can use pandas or the Faker…