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How To Make More Than 20 ChatGPT Prompts Work With Python GUI Builders And OpenCV Library?

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Are you looking for a powerful computer vision library and build a nice GUI for them (beyond just some simple “Hello World” examples)?

What about harnessing the power of ChatGPT to help? We will show how you can do it easily by combining Python4Delphi, DelphiVCL4Python, and DelphiFMX4Python with the OpenCV library. We will show the embedding of the OpenCV library with other Python GUI builders as well.

Furthermore, we will employ LLMs (ChatGPT or GPT-4o and Bing Chat or Copilot that are powered by GPT-4) to provide us with more ideas to enrich our Python GUI-based apps. We’re going to share the prompt examples (including the recommended prompts generated by Bing Chat or Copilot) and the source code with you via this post.

This article is written as a further development of the following articles:

This article was also inspired by the following brilliant video by Eli Mapstead about how to employ ChatGPT to create Python GUI using numerous Python GUI frameworks:

If you are looking for a way to retrain GPT to empower your apps, read it here:

The following is the compilation of 20+ ChatGPT prompts (and their answers) to enrich the ideas of working with Python GUI builders and the OpenCV library:

Table of Contents

1. What is OpenCV?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv01 a 6323759

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. It was originally developed by Intel and later supported by Willow Garage and Itseez (which was later acquired by Intel). Let me give you more details about it:


OpenCV provides a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and accelerates the use of machine perception in commercial products.


It’s released under the Apache 2 license, making it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.


The library includes over 2500 optimized algorithms, covering both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning techniques.

Use Cases

OpenCV can be used for tasks such as:

  • Face detection and recognition
  • Object identification
  • Human action classification in videos
  • Camera movement tracking
  • 3D model extraction
  • Stereo camera-based 3D point cloud generation
  • Image stitching for high-resolution panoramas
  • Similar image search
  • Red-eye removal
  • Eye movement tracking
  • Scenery recognition
  • Augmented reality marker placement


OpenCV has a large user community of over 47,000 people, with an estimated 18 million downloads. It’s widely used by companies, research groups, and governmental bodies.


OpenCV provides interfaces for C++, Python, Java, and MATLAB, and supports Windows, Linux, Android, and macOS.


It leans toward real-time vision applications and takes advantage of MMX and SSE instructions when available.

Future Development

Full-featured CUDA and OpenCL interfaces are actively being developed[a][b].

In summary, OpenCV is a powerful tool for computer vision tasks, and its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications! 😊👍

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv01 b 7065500

OpenCV, short for Open Source Computer Vision Library, is an open-source software library that contains over 2,500 optimized algorithms designed for various computer vision and machine learning tasks. It is widely used for real-time computer vision applications and provides a comprehensive set of tools and functions to handle image and video processing.

Key Features of OpenCV

1. Extensive Library of Functions
  • OpenCV includes algorithms for image processing, object detection, face recognition, machine learning, and more.
2. Cross-Platform Support
  • It is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.
3. Language Support
  • Although primarily written in C and C++, OpenCV has interfaces for Python, Java, and MATLAB/OCTAVE, making it accessible to a broader range of developers.
4. Real-Time Operation
  • Designed for real-time applications, OpenCV efficiently processes images and videos, making it suitable for projects that require quick response times.
5. Integration with Deep Learning Frameworks
  • OpenCV can be integrated with popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe, enhancing its capabilities in machine learning and AI applications.

Common Uses of OpenCV

  • Image Processing: Filtering, edge detection, histograms, and transformations.
  • Video Analysis: Object tracking, background subtraction, and motion detection.
  • Object Detection and Recognition: Face detection, pedestrian detection, and feature matching.
  • 3D Reconstruction: Stereo vision and structure from motion.
  • Machine Learning: Includes a library of machine learning algorithms for clustering, classification, and regression.

Example Applications

  • Security Systems: Surveillance and motion detection systems.
  • Automotive Industry: Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles.
  • Healthcare: Medical image analysis and diagnostics.
  • Entertainment: Augmented reality and interactive gaming.


You can install OpenCV in Python using pip:

For headless environments where GUI functionality is not required:

Basic Example

Here’s a simple Python example to read and display an image using OpenCV:

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv01 c 5813573


OpenCV is a powerful tool for anyone working in the field of computer vision and image processing. Its extensive functionality, ease of use, and compatibility with various platforms and languages make it an essential library for both academic research and commercial applications.

2. In the OpenCV’s official website, their claim that: “OpenCV has more than 2500 optimized algorithms, which includes a comprehensive set of both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms.”. Please clarify and list the 2500 optimized algorithms.

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv02 a 5312844

Certainly! OpenCV indeed boasts over 2500 algorithms, covering a wide range of computer vision and machine learning tasks. While I can’t provide an exhaustive list here, I’ll highlight some of the key categories and algorithms:

1. Image Processing Algorithms

  • Filtering and Convolution: Includes Gaussian blur, Sobel edge detection, and bilateral filtering.
  • Morphological Operations: Erosion, dilation, opening, and closing.
  • Histogram Equalization: Enhances image contrast.
  • Color Space Transformations: RGB to HSV, YUV, etc.

2. Feature Detection and Description

  • Harris Corner Detection
  • SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)
  • ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)

3. Object Detection and Tracking

  • Haar Cascade Classifiers: Used for face detection.
  • HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients): For pedestrian detection.
  • Deep Learning-based Object Detectors: YOLO, Faster R-CNN, etc.

4. Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
  • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  • Random Forests
  • Boosting Algorithms (AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting)

5. Deep Learning and Neural Networks

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): For image classification.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): For sequence data.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): For image generation.

6. Camera Calibration and 3D Vision

  • Calibration Algorithms: Camera matrix estimation, distortion correction.
  • Stereo Vision Algorithms: Disparity map computation.

7. Optimization Algorithms

  • Conjugate Gradient Solver
  • Downhill Solver
  • Linear Programming Solver

Remember, this is just a glimpse of OpenCV’s extensive capabilities. If you have specific tasks or algorithms in mind, feel free to ask for more details! 🚀

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv02 b 3000611

OpenCV, the Open Source Computer Vision Library, claims to include more than 2500 optimized algorithms, covering a wide range of both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning techniques. While a comprehensive list of all 2500 algorithms isn’t readily available in a single source, the algorithms span across various categories and functionalities. 

Here’s a summary of some key areas these algorithms cover:

1. Image Processing

  • Basic operations: Filtering, edge detection, morphological operations, and color space conversions.
  • Geometric transformations: Scaling, rotation, and translation.
  • Image enhancement: Histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization.

2. Object Detection and Recognition

  • Feature detection: SIFT, SURF, and ORB.
  • Object detection: Haar cascades, HOG, and DNN-based detectors like YOLO and SSD.
  • Face recognition: Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, and deep learning-based methods.

3. Video Analysis

  • Motion detection: Background subtraction, optical flow.
  • Object tracking: Mean shift, CAMShift, and various tracking algorithms such as KLT, MIL, and CSRT.
  • Activity recognition: Recognizing and classifying human actions in videos.

4. 3D Vision

  • Stereo vision: Disparity map calculation and 3D reconstruction.
  • Structure from motion: Estimating 3D structures from 2D image sequences.
  • 3D point cloud processing.

5. Machine Learning

  • Traditional ML algorithms: Support vector machines, decision trees, k-nearest neighbors.
  • Deep learning: Integration with popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch for training and deploying neural networks.
  • Model training and evaluation utilities.

6. Image Segmentation

  • Thresholding: Global, adaptive, and Otsu’s binarization.
  • Watershed algorithm for separating different objects in an image.
  • Contour detection and analysis.

7. Feature Extraction and Matching

  • Keypoint detection and descriptor extraction.
  • Matching techniques: Brute-force matching, FLANN-based matching.

8. Augmented Reality

  • Pose estimation: Estimating the position and orientation of objects.
  • Homography for perspective transformations.
  • Overlaying virtual objects on real-world scenes.

OpenCV also provides high-level APIs for tasks such as image stitching, camera calibration, and image classification, leveraging both classic methods and deep learning approaches.

For more details, the OpenCV official documentation and various tutorials on their website provide extensive information and examples on how to use these algorithms effectively[a][b][c]​.

3. How do I read, display, and save an image using OpenCV?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv03 a 2440481

Certainly! Let’s dive into the basics of reading, displaying, and saving images using OpenCV. 📷

1. Reading an Image

  • To read an image from disk, use the cv2.imread() function. It takes the filename as the first argument and an optional flag for color mode (e.g., grayscale or color). For example:

2. Displaying an Image

  • To display an image in a window, use cv2.imshow(). Provide a window name and the image variable. Remember to use cv2.waitKey(0) to wait for a key press before closing the window:

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv03 b 3861965

3. Saving an Image

  • To save an image to your local disk, use cv2.imwrite(). Specify the filename and the image variable:

Remember to adjust the filenames and paths according to your setup. Happy coding! 🚀

If you’d like more details or have any other questions, feel free to ask! 😊

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv03 c 3208789

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv03 d 8787700

Here’s a step-by-step guide to reading, displaying, and saving an image using OpenCV in Python.

1. Reading an Image

To read an image, use the cv2.imread() function. This function reads the image from the specified file and returns it as a numpy array.

2. Displaying an Image

To display the image, use the cv2.imshow() function. This function creates a window and displays the image in it. Use cv2.waitKey() to keep the window open until a key is pressed and cv2.destroyAllWindows() to close the window.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv03 e 5172988

3. Saving an Image

To save an image, use the cv2.imwrite() function. This function writes the image to the specified file.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv03 f 7388862

Full Example

Here is a complete example that includes reading, displaying, and saving an image:


1. Reading the Image:

  • cv2.imread('path_to_image.jpg') reads the image file. Replace 'path_to_image.jpg' with the actual path to your image file.

2. Displaying the Image:

  • cv2.imshow('Image', image) creates a window named “Image” and displays the image.
  • cv2.waitKey(0) waits indefinitely for a key press. If you want the window to close after a certain time, pass the time in milliseconds as an argument, e.g., cv2.waitKey(5000) to wait for 5 seconds.
  • cv2.destroyAllWindows() closes all OpenCV windows.

3. Saving the Image:

  • cv2.imwrite('path_to_save_image.jpg', image) saves the image to the specified path. Replace 'path_to_save_image.jpg' with the desired save path and filename.

This basic workflow allows you to handle images using OpenCV in Python effectively.

4. How do I read, display, and save a video using OpenCV?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv04 a 8624248

Certainly! To work with videos using OpenCV, you can follow these steps:

1. Capture Video from Camera

  • Create a VideoCapture object by specifying the device index (e.g., 0 for the built-in webcam) or the path to a video file.
  • Read frames using
  • Convert frames to grayscale or apply other operations.
  • Display frames using cv.imshow() and wait for a key press using cv.waitKey(1).
  • Release the capture using cap.release() and close the window with cv.destroyAllWindows().

Here’s a Python example capturing video from the camera and displaying it in grayscale:

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv04 b 8945128

2. Playing Video from a File

  • Instead of the camera index, provide the path to a video file (e.g., ‘video.mp4‘) when creating the VideoCapture object.
  • Adjust the frame display rate using cv.waitKey().

Remember to replace ‘video.mp4’ with the actual video file path. Feel free to ask if you need further assistance! 🎥👍 [a][b].

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv04 c 8563464

Reading, displaying, and saving a video using OpenCV in Python involves several steps similar to working with images, but with additional handling for video frames. 

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Reading a Video

To read a video, use the cv2.VideoCapture() function. This function captures video from a file or a camera.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

2. Displaying a Video

The above code snippet also includes displaying the video frame-by-frame using cv2.imshow() within a loop. The loop continues until the video ends or the user presses the ‘Q‘ key to exit.

3. Saving a Video

To save a video, use the cv2.VideoWriter() class. You need to specify the output file, codec, frame rate, and frame size.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv04 e 4998479

Full Example

Here is a complete example that reads a video file, displays it, and saves the video frames to a new file:


1. Reading the Video:

  • cv2.VideoCapture('path_to_video.mp4') captures the video from the specified file. Replace 'path_to_video.mp4' with the actual path to your video file.
  • The while cap.isOpened() loop continues as long as the video is successfully opened.
  • ret, frame = reads a frame from the video. ret is a boolean indicating if the frame was successfully read, and frame is the image array.

2. Displaying the Video:

  • cv2.imshow('Frame', frame) displays the current frame.
  • cv2.waitKey(25) waits for 25 milliseconds between frames. & 0xFF == ord('q') checks if the ‘Q‘ key is pressed to exit the loop.

3. Saving the Video:

  • cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') specifies the codec.
  • cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, 20.0, (640, 480)) creates a VideoWriter object to write the video to the specified file with a frame rate of 20 frames per second and a frame size of 640×480.
  • out.write(frame) writes the current frame to the output file.

4. Cleanup:

  • cap.release() releases the video capture object.
  • out.release() releases the video writer object.
  • cv2.destroyAllWindows() closes all OpenCV windows.

5. What is the difference between opencv-python and opencv-python-headless?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv05 a 9800189

Certainly! Let’s explore the differences between opencv-python and opencv-python-headless:

1. opencv-python

  • This package provides the core functionality of OpenCV.
  • It includes essential image and video processing capabilities.
  • Contains the main modules necessary for image and video I/O, image manipulation, object detection, feature extraction, and basic computer vision tasks.
  • Suitable for most general computer vision tasks.
  • Typically used as the base package for basic image processing and analysis.

2. opencv-python-headless

  • A lightweight version of opencv-python.
  • Excludes GUI support (no graphical windows or user interfaces).
  • Ideal for server environments where GUI interaction is not needed.
  • Contains the same core functionality as opencv-python but without the overhead of graphical components.

In summary, if you’re working on a server or headless environment, consider using opencv-python-headless. Otherwise, opencv-python provides the full functionality with GUI support. Feel free to ask if you need further clarification! 📷🔍 [a][b].

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv05 b 7345630

The difference between opencv-python and opencv-python-headless primarily relates to the inclusion of GUI functionalities:

1. opencv-python

  • Includes GUI Support: The opencv-python package includes GUI capabilities, allowing you to create windows and display images and videos directly using functions like cv2.imshow(), cv2.waitKey(), and cv2.destroyAllWindows().
  • Dependencies: This version includes dependencies necessary for GUI operations, such as Qt, Gtk, or other GUI libraries, depending on the system.
  • Usage: Suitable for applications where you need to display images and videos or interact with GUI elements, such as development environments, local machines, or any scenario where GUI capabilities are required.

2. opencv-python-headless

  • No GUI Support: The opencv-python-headless package does not include GUI functionalities. This means functions like cv2.imshow() will not work, as the package does not include the dependencies for window management and display.
  • Reduced Dependencies: This version is lighter because it excludes the GUI-related dependencies, which can be advantageous in environments where GUI capabilities are not needed.
  • Usage: Ideal for server environments, cloud deployments, or any headless systems where GUI display is not required. It is particularly useful for automated scripts, CI/CD pipelines, and production environments where you might only need image and video processing functionalities without display capabilities.

Choosing Between Them

  • Use opencv-python if:
    • You need to display images or videos using OpenCV’s built-in functions.
    • You are developing on a local machine with access to a display.
    • GUI functionalities are required for your project.
  • Use opencv-python-headless if:
    • You are deploying on a server or in a cloud environment where GUI is not available.
    • You want a lighter version of OpenCV without unnecessary GUI dependencies.
    • Your application only needs to process images or videos without displaying them.


You can install these packages using pip:

  • To install opencv-python:
  • To install opencv-python-headless:

By choosing the appropriate package, you can optimize your application’s performance and dependency management according to your specific use case.

6. What are some common errors when using OpenCV?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv06 a 9560971

When working with OpenCV, users may encounter several common errors. Here are a few examples:

1. Installation Issues

Problems with installing OpenCV or its dependencies, often due to compatibility issues with other libraries or the operating system.

2. Module Not Found

Errors like ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2' can occur if OpenCV is not installed correctly or the Python path is not set properly.

3. VideoCapture Problems

Issues with cv2.VideoCapture() can arise when the specified video source is not available or the device index is incorrect.

4. Display Window Issues

Errors related to displaying images or videos, such as cv2.imshow() not working, often due to missing GUI components in headless environments.

5. Codec Issues

Problems with reading or writing video files, which may be due to missing codecs or unsupported file formats.

6. Memory Management

Memory leaks or insufficient memory errors when handling large images or videos.

7. Function Arguments

Incorrect arguments passed to OpenCV functions can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.

8. Qt Platform Plugin Errors

Conflicts between OpenCV and PyQt5, leading to errors like This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized.

To resolve these issues, it’s important to ensure that you have the correct version of OpenCV installed, all dependencies are met, and your environment variables are set correctly. If you encounter specific errors, feel free to share them for more targeted assistance! 🔧🐍

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv06 b 4335034

When using OpenCV, users often encounter a variety of errors. Here are some common errors along with explanations and potential solutions:

1. Assertion Failed Errors

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • This error usually occurs when the input image or video frame is empty or not loaded correctly.
  • Ensure the file path is correct and that the file exists.
  • Verify that cv2.imread() or cv2.VideoCapture() successfully loads the image or video.

2. AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'xxxx'

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • This error often occurs due to incorrect installation or missing functionalities.
  • Ensure OpenCV is installed correctly using pip install opencv-python.
  • Check if the function or attribute exists in the OpenCV version you are using by referring to the official documentation.

3. ImportError: DLL load failed

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • This is typically a Windows-specific issue where OpenCV dependencies are not found.
  • Ensure that you have the necessary Visual C++ Redistributable installed.
  • Reinstall OpenCV to fix potential corrupt installations.

Or, you can just simply use Python with PyScripter IDE, and then you are most likely won’t face such DLL errors.

4. cv2.error: OpenCV(4.x.x) xxx.cpp:xxx: error: (-215 failed)

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • This error is often caused by attempting to display an image with invalid dimensions.
  • Ensure the image is loaded correctly and has valid dimensions.

5. Video Capture/Reading Issues

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • Ensure the video file path is correct.
  • Check if the camera index is correct and the camera is not being used by another application.
  • Verify the necessary codecs are installed for video files.

6. ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • Ensure you are using the correct number of variables when unpacking.
  • The function returns two values: a boolean (ret) and the frame (frame).

7. cv2.error: OpenCV(4.x.x) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/ resize.cpp:3736: error: (-215 failed)

Error Message Example:

Explanation and Solution:
  • This error occurs when attempting to resize an empty image or frame.
  • Ensure the input to the cv2.resize() function is valid and not empty.

8. High CPU Usage or Memory Leaks

Explanation and Solution:
  • Inefficient processing loops or not releasing resources can cause high CPU usage or memory leaks.
  • Use cap.release() to release the video capture object and cv2.destroyAllWindows() to close OpenCV windows properly.

9. Compatibility Issues

Explanation and Solution:
  • Ensure compatibility between OpenCV versions, Python versions, and other libraries.
  • Check the official OpenCV documentation for version-specific changes and deprecated features.

By addressing these common errors and understanding their causes, you can troubleshoot and resolve issues more effectively while using OpenCV.

7. Can you show me the Python code to use OpenCV with Python4Delphi?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv07 a 1709792

Using OpenCV with Python4Delphi (P4D) involves running Python scripts from Delphi and manipulating OpenCV’s functionalities. Here’s a basic example of how you can use OpenCV within a Python script that can be executed by P4D:

To run this Python script from Delphi using P4D, you would:

1. Install P4D in your Delphi environment.

2. Use the TPythonEngine component to initialize the Python interpreter.

3. Use the TPythonGUIInputOutput component for GUI operations.

4. Execute the Python script using the ExecStrings method or similar.

Here’s an example of Delphi code that would run the above Python script:

Make sure to replace "path_to_image.jpg" with the actual path to your image file. Also, ensure that OpenCV (opencv-python) is installed in the Python environment that P4D is configured to use.

If you need more detailed instructions or help with specific parts of integrating OpenCV with P4D, feel free to ask! 🖼️🐍🔨

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv07 b 7459008

Sure! Using OpenCV with Python4Delphi involves integrating Python code with a Delphi application. Python4Delphi (P4D) allows you to execute Python scripts and use Python libraries from within Delphi.

Here is an example showing how to use OpenCV with Python4Delphi:


1. Install Python4Delphi (P4D): 

You can get it from the Python4Delphi GitHub repository.

2. Install OpenCV in Python: 

Make sure you have OpenCV installed in your Python environment:


1. Create a Delphi Project:
  • Create a new VCL Forms Application in Delphi.
  • Add a TPythonEngine component to the form.
  • Add a TPythonGUIInputOutput component to the form and link it to the IO property of TPythonEngine.
  • Add a TPythonModule component to the form and configure it as needed.
2. Add Components and Write Code:
  • Add a Button and a TImage component to the form.
  • Set up the OnClick event of the Button to run Python code using OpenCV.

Example Delphi Code

Here’s a basic example demonstrating how to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a Delphi TImage component using OpenCV:


1. Python Code:
  • Imports OpenCV and numpy.
  • Captures a frame from the video stream.
  • Encodes the frame as a BMP image and converts it to bytes.
2. Delphi Code:
  • Executes the Python code.
  • Retrieves the image bytes.
  • Loads the bytes into a TMemoryStream.
  • Loads the TMemoryStream into a TImage component to display the image.

Running the Project

1. Ensure Python is installed and configured properly in Delphi.

2. Run the Delphi application.

3. Click the button to capture and display the video frame.

This example demonstrates the basic integration of OpenCV with a Delphi application using Python4Delphi. You can extend this example to include more advanced image processing tasks or handle different events as needed.

8. Can you show me the Python code to use the OpenCV library inside DelphiVCL4Python?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv08 a 3648653

Certainly! DelphiVCL4Python provides a bridge between Python and Delphi’s VCL (Visual Component Library) GUI framework, allowing you to create native Windows GUI applications using Python. While OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library, integrating it with DelphiVCL4Python involves a few steps. 

Here’s a high-level overview of how you can use OpenCV within DelphiVCL4Python:

1. Install DelphiVCL4Python

First, make sure you have DelphiVCL4Python installed. You can do this using pip:

2. Create a DelphiVCL Form

Create a DelphiVCL form (let’s call it MainForm) using DelphiVCL4Python. Define the necessary components (buttons, labels, etc.) on the form.

3. Invoke OpenCV from Python

Inside your Python code (e.g., in a button click event), you can use OpenCV as you normally would. For example, to load an image and display it in a DelphiVCL4Python form:

4. Remember

  • Adjust the image path ('path/to/your/image.jpg') and other components according to your needs.
  • Handle exceptions and memory management appropriately.
  • Explore more features of DelphiVCL4Python and customize your GUI as desired.

Remember that this is a simplified example. You can extend it to include more complex interactions between Delphi components and OpenCV functions. Happy coding! 🚀

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv08 b 2237569

Using OpenCV with DelphiVCL4Python involves integrating Python code with a Delphi VCL application. DelphiVCL4Python allows you to create VCL applications in Python. Here’s how to do it:


1. Install DelphiVCL4Python
2. Install OpenCV in Python


1. Create a Python Script
  • Create a Python script to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a VCL form using DelphiVCL4Python.

Example Python Code:

Here’s a complete example demonstrating how to use OpenCV with DelphiVCL4Python to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a VCL form:


1. Imports
  • delphivcl for VCL components.
  • cv2 for OpenCV.
  • numpy for numerical operations (optional, as it is not directly used in this example).
2. MainForm Class
  • Defines the main form with a caption, size, and components (TImage and TButton).
  • ButtonOnClick method captures a frame from the video stream, converts it to BMP format, and displays it in the TImage component.
3. Capture and Display Image
  • cv2.VideoCapture(0) captures video from the default camera.
  • Reads one frame using
  • Converts the frame to BMP format and gets the byte data.
  • Loads the BMP byte data into a MemoryStream.
  • Displays the image in the TImage component using self.Image.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream.
4. Main Function
  • Initializes the application.
  • Sets the application title.
  • Creates and runs the main form.
5. Running the Script
  • Ensure you have Python, DelphiVCL4Python, and OpenCV installed.
  • Run the Python script.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv08 c 7393361

This example demonstrates how to integrate OpenCV with DelphiVCL4Python to capture and display video frames in a VCL application. You can extend this example to include more advanced image processing tasks or handle different events as needed.

9. Can you show me the Python code to use the OpenCV library inside DelphiFMX4Python?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv09 a 2189605

Certainly! To use the OpenCV library inside DelphiFMX4Python, you’ll need to follow these steps:

1. Install DelphiFMX4Python

Make sure you have DelphiFMX4Python installed. You can use pip:

2. Create a Simple Form

Let’s create a basic form with a label and a button. In this example, we’ll load an image using OpenCV and display it in a DelphiFMX TImage component:

3. Run Your Application

Execute your Python script, and the form with the loaded image will appear. Adjust the image path ('path/to/your/image.jpg') according to your setup.

Remember to customize the form layout and add more components as needed. Happy coding! 🚀

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv09 b 7691704

Sure! Here is how you can use the OpenCV library inside a DelphiFMX4Python application to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a FireMonkey (FMX) application.


1. Install DelphiFMX4Python
2. Install OpenCV in Python


1. Create a Python Script
  • Create a Python script to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a FMX form using DelphiFMX4Python.

Example Python Code:

Here’s a complete example demonstrating how to use OpenCV with DelphiFMX4Python to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a FMX form:


1. Imports
  • delphifmx for FMX components.
  • cv2 for OpenCV.
  • numpy for numerical operations (optional, as it is not directly used in this example).
2. MainForm Class
  • Defines the main form with a caption, size, and components (TImage and TButton).
  • ButtonOnClick method captures a frame from the video stream, converts it to BMP format, and displays it in the TImage component.
3. Capture and Display Image
  • cv2.VideoCapture(0) captures video from the default camera.
  • Reads one frame using
  • Converts the frame to BMP format and gets the byte data.
  • Loads the BMP byte data into a TMemoryStream.
  • Displays the image in the TImage component using self.Image.Bitmap.LoadFromStream.
4. Main Function
  • Initializes the application.
  • Sets the application title.
  • Creates and runs the main form.

Running the Script:

1. Ensure you have Python, DelphiFMX4Python, and OpenCV installed.

2. Run the corrected Python script.

This example demonstrates how to integrate OpenCV with DelphiFMX4Python to capture and display video frames in a FMX application. You can extend this example to include more advanced image processing tasks or handle different events as needed.

10. Can you show me the Python code to use OpenCV with Tkinter?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv10 a 7571764

Certainly! Let’s create a simple Python application that integrates OpenCV with Tkinter to display an image in a Tkinter window. Below is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this:

In this example:

1. We create a Tkinter window.

2. Load an image using OpenCV (replace "background.jpg" with your image file path).

3. Create a canvas to display the image.

4. Convert the NumPy ndarray to a PhotoImage (using Pillow).

5. Add the PhotoImage to the canvas.

6. Run the Tkinter event loop to display the window.

Feel free to customize this code according to your needs. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! 🚀

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv10 b 2565048

Bonus: Following the recommended references provided by Copilot

Another great feature of Bing Copilot is that rather than only prompting or recommending some powerful prompts to ease our life and save our time: It recommends powerful references for us to follow, sometimes more useful than the response itself.

For example, following the recommended references [a] by Copilot, will introduce us to a demo that will allow us to click a button, triggering a file chooser dialog to select a file from the disk. We’ll then load the selected image using OpenCV, perform edge detection, and finally display both the original image and edge map in our GUI.

The following is the complete code for our image edge detector:

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv10 c 9115982

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv10 d 1411679

Certainly! Here’s an example of how to use OpenCV with Tkinter to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a Tkinter window.


1. Install OpenCV in Python:
2. Install Pillow (for image handling in Tkinter):

Example Python Code:

Here’s a complete example demonstrating how to use OpenCV with Tkinter to capture an image from a video stream and display it in a Tkinter window:


1. Imports:
  • cv2 for OpenCV.
  • tkinter for the GUI.
  • PIL (from Pillow) for handling images in Tkinter.
2. App Class:
  • Defines the main application class with a Tkinter window, a Label to display the image, and a Button to capture the image.
  • capture_image method captures a frame from the video stream, converts it to RGB format, converts it to a PIL image, and then to a PhotoImage to display in the Label.
3. Main Function:
  • Initializes the Tkinter application.
  • Creates an instance of the App class.
  • Runs the Tkinter main loop.
4. Resource Cleanup:
  • The __del__ method ensures the video capture resource is released when the application is closed.

Running the Script:

1. Ensure you have Python, OpenCV, and Pillow installed.

2. Run the Python script.

This will open a Tkinter window with a button. Clicking the button will capture an image from the webcam and display it in the window.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv10 e 6521008

11. Can you show me the Python code to use OpenCV with PyQt?

GPT-4/Bing Chat/Copilot answers:

faqopencv11 a 5748785

Certainly! Below is an example of how to use OpenCV with PyQt to display an image in a PyQt window. This example will create a simple GUI application that loads an image using OpenCV and displays it in a PyQt window.

First, make sure you have the necessary libraries installed:

Here’s the Python code:

In this example:

1. Import necessary modules

We import the required modules from PyQt5, OpenCV, and PIL.

2. Create a PyQt5 application 

We define a ImageViewer class that inherits from QWidget.

3. Load an image using OpenCV

We load an image using OpenCV and convert it to RGB format.

4. Convert the image to QImage 

We convert the OpenCV image to a QImage, which is compatible with PyQt.

5. Display the image in a QLabel

We create a QLabel and set the QImage as its pixmap.

6. Run the application

We create an instance of the ImageViewer class and run the PyQt application.

Replace 'path/to/your/image.jpg' with the actual path to your image file. This code will create a PyQt window displaying the loaded image. Feel free to customize it further according to your needs! 🚀

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv11 b 1902827

GPT-4o/ChatGPT answers:

faqopencv11 c 2256723

Certainly! Here’s an advanced example where you can use OpenCV with PyQt to load an image from a file, apply some basic image processing (e.g., converting the image to grayscale, edge detection), and display both the original and processed images in the GUI.


  • Load an image from a file using PyQt.
  • Apply basic image processing (Grayscale, Canny Edge Detection).
  • Display both the original and processed images in separate windows.


1. Install OpenCV in Python:
2. Install PyQt5:

Example Python Code:


1. Imports:
  • cv2 for OpenCV.
  • PyQt5.QtWidgets for creating the GUI.
  • PyQt5.QtCore for the QTimer and image handling.
  • PyQt5.QtGui for handling image display.
2. ImageProcessor Class:
  • The main window contains two QLabel components for displaying the original and processed images.
  • Several buttons are provided:
    • Load Image” for loading an image from a file.
    • Convert to Grayscale” for converting the image to grayscale.
    • Apply Canny Edge Detection” for applying edge detection.
  • The load_image function opens a file dialog, loads an image using OpenCV, and displays it in the original label.
  • The convert_grayscale function converts the loaded image to grayscale and displays it in the processed label.
  • The apply_canny function applies Canny edge detection and displays the result in the processed label.
3. Image Display:
  • To display images in PyQt5, we use QImage and QPixmap to convert the OpenCV image format (BGR or grayscale) into a format PyQt can understand (RGB or Grayscale).
4. Main Function:
  • Initializes the PyQt application, creates an instance of ImageProcessor, and starts the event loop.

Running the Script:

1. Ensure you have Python, OpenCV, and PyQt5 installed.

2. Run the Python script.


  • The application will load an image file using OpenCV.
  • You can convert the loaded image to grayscale or apply Canny edge detection, and both the original and processed images will be displayed in the PyQt5 window.

This example provides a more interactive application with basic image processing features, using both OpenCV and PyQt5.

Output on PyScripter IDE:

faqopencv11 d 8515392
faqopencv11 e 5842749

Check out the full repository here.

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