CodeIDEPythonPython GUIWindows

Unlock the Power of Python for Deep Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks

Deep learning algorithms can work with almost any type of data and require massive amounts of computing power and data to solve complex problems. Let us now take a deep dive into one of the most well-known deep learning algorithms: the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). If you are looking for Convolutional Neural Network algorithm, read our article about it here: Unlock the Power of Python for…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD StudioWindows

What You Need To Automatically Scrape Millions Of Tweets

Are you looking for an easy and powerful way to collect MASSIVE amounts of tweets for your research and build a nice GUI for them? You can easily collect thousands or even millions of tweets by combining snscrape, tweepy, and Python4Delphi library, inside Delphi and C++Builder. This post will guide you on how to run the snscrape and tweepy library and use Python for Windows app development so…
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DelphiPythonPython GUIWindows

Quickly Build A Python GUI Apps For Replacing And Extracting Keywords In Sentences Using FlashText Library In A Delphi Windows App

Do you want to perform Natural Language Processing tasks like replacing or extracting words in a text, in your GUI app? This post will get you to understand how to use FlashText Python Library using Python4Delphi (P4D) in the Delphi/C++ Builder application and perform some interesting NLP or Regular Expressions-like tasks.  FlashText is a module that can be used to replace keywords in…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIVideosWindows

Learn Python GUI Development for Delphi Developers In Windows Apps

Why would a Delphi developer want to add Python to their toolbelt? It is all about library access and scriptability. The open-source Python4Delphi (P4D) library by Kiriakos Vlahos, author of the popular PyScripter Python IDE, allows you as a Delphi developer to leverage the entire collection of Python libraries directly from Delphi. It also makes it easy to easily execute Python scripts, create…
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