TGridDrawState represents information useful when rendering the cell of a grid.
TGridDrawState represents state information about the cell of a grid that is being rendered. It is a set that includes one or more of the states listed in the following table:
The cell is currently selected.
The cell has input…
Learn Buttons Using delphivcl.Button
May 9, 2021
delphivcl.Button is a push-button control.
Use Button to put a standard push button on a form. Button introduces several properties to control its behavior in a dialog-box setting. To initiate actions, users choose button controls
To use a button…
Learn About delphivcl.SpeedButton
May 9, 2021
DelphiVCL.SpeedButton or TSpeedButton is a button that is used to execute commands or set modes.
Use DelphiVCL.SpeedButton to add a button to a group of buttons in a form. TSpeedButton introduces properties that can be used to set graphical images that represent the…
Learn About delphivcl.Rect
May 9, 2021
DelphiVCL.Rect or TRect defines a rectangle.
TRect represents the dimensions of a rectangle. The coordinates are specified as either four separate integers representing the left, top, right, and bottom sides, or as two points representing the locations of the upper-left and lower-right corners.
Typically, DelphiVCL.Rect values represent pixel locations, where the origin of the pixel…
Learn About delphivcl.Size
May 9, 2021
DelphiVCL.Size or TSize is used to specify the width and height of an object.
We use TSize to specify the size of an object. The object can be a rectangle, a form, a button, and so on. Typically, the implied units of measurement are pixels.
cx is the width, and…
When running dir() to DelphiVCL library or any DelphiVCL methods and properties in all previous sections, you might find many of Python’s built-in objects and properties. Previously, we already discussed about __doc__, __file__, __loader__, __name…
Learn about delphivcl.RadioGroup
May 8, 2021
delphivcl.RadioGroup represents a group of radio buttons that function together.
A RadioGroup object is a special group box that contains only radio buttons. Radio buttons that are placed directly in the same control component are said to be “grouped.” When the user checks a radio button, all other radio buttons in its group become unchecked. Hence, two radio buttons…
Create a ComboBox using delphivcl.ComboBox
May 7, 2021
delphivcl.ComboBox combines an edit box with a scrollable list. A ComboBox component is an edit box with a scrollable drop-down list attached to it. Users can select an item from the list or type directly into the edit box.
Note: The width of the button in…
Create a ListBox using delphivcl.ListBox
May 6, 2021
delphivcl.ListBox displays a collection of items in a scrollable list. We use ListBox to display a scrollable list of items that users can select, add, or delete. ListBox is a wrapper for the Windows listbox control.
We can browse all the properties…
Rect indicates the portion of the list view’s client area covered by the work area.
Set Rect to specify the sphere of influence of a work area. Rect is the bounding rectangle of a portion of the list view’s client area. If Rect specifies a region larger than the list view’s client area, then the list view introduces scroll bars to support the logical size specified by…