DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD Studio

Learn About Powerful Python Decorators In A Delphi Windows GUI App

Python has an interesting feature calledDecoratorsto add functionality to an existing code. A Decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure. Decorators are usually called before the definition of a function you want to decorate. This is also calledmetaprogrammingbecause a part of the…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD Studio

Learn To Build A High-Performance Data Serialization Pipeline With A Python Windows GUI

Data serialization is the process of converting structured data to a format that allows us to share or store the data in a form that allows recovery of its original structure. In some cases, the secondary intention of data serialization is to minimize the data’s size which then reduces disk space or bandwidth requirements. This post will demonstrate how to run another Python feature in…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD Studio

Easily Integrate Exception Handling Into Your Python GUI Apps Through Delphi

Illegal operations in Python can raise exceptions. There are plenty of built-in exceptions in Python that are raised when corresponding errors occur. This post will demonstrate how to run another Python feature in Python4Delphi with RAD Studio:Exception Handlingin Python GUI apps and gets the output. Prerequisites:Before we begin to work, download and install the…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD Studio

Learn About Powerful Functions In A Python GUI Windows App

Python is object-oriented but also supports functional programming. This post will demonstrate how to run another Python feature in Python4Delphi with RAD Studio: Functions in Python GUI and gets the output. We will learn about Python functions and how to create them and call them. A function is a block of code that has a name and we can call it. Instead of writing something 100 times, we…
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