DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIVideosWindows

Learn Python GUI Development for Delphi Developers In Windows Apps

Why would a Delphi developer want to add Python to their toolbelt? It is all about library access and scriptability. The open-source Python4Delphi (P4D) library by Kiriakos Vlahos, author of the popular PyScripter Python IDE, allows you as a Delphi developer to leverage the entire collection of Python libraries directly from Delphi. It also makes it easy to easily execute Python scripts, create…
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CodeDelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUI

Learn How Easy It Is To Interface A Python Type With A Python GUI Windows App

We have learned how to create a Python Module in Delphi and added some methods to it. It’s time to learn how to create a Python Type(Class) in Delphi. Creating a new class creates a new type of object, allowing new instances of that type to be made. Each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state. Class instances can also have methods (defined by its…
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C++DelphiPythonPython GUIWindows

Build Powerful Python GUI Apps For Windows Using Events With Delphi And C++

An event links an occurrence in the system with the code that responds to that occurrence. The occurrence triggers the execution of a procedure called an event handler. The event handler performs the tasks that are required in response to the occurrence. Events allow the behavior of a component to be customized at design-time or at run time. Do you want to trigger and handle an event similar to…
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C++DelphiPython GUIVideosWindows

Learn How To Setup Python4Delphi For Building Python GUI Apps On Windows

Here is a short video which shows you how to get started with installing the components you need to start building Python GUI apps on Windows with Delphi and C++Builder. SynEdit is an optional library that provides syntax highlighting and proper indention behaviors if you want to allow users to edit Python code in your application. If you just want to interact with Python and Python libraries…
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