Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

This Is How To Implement Natural Language Processing

Ever wonder how Google Voice managed to recognize your speech and understand its context? How about those advertisements that you often see on search engines and social media platforms that are surprisingly relevant to your previous searches and inquiries? Well, these are just some of the successful implementations of the so-called Natural Language Processing or NLP. Adding NLP to your programs is…
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Python GUI

9 Signs You Need Help With Python Tools

Python is a widely used and highly recognized programming language that has millions of users. It is widely utilized by developers in a variety of fields, including web development and machine learning. When they first started programming, many developers learned and used…
Python GUI

This Is The Ultimate Python Tools Dream Team

Python has grown in popularity among programmers due to its simplicity and convenience of use since its inception. Not only that, but it has a lot of features. It is the easiest to use and learn programming language for novice programmers, allowing them to be in demand in…
DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What Is delphivcl.Picture Used For In Windows Development?

DelphiVCL.Picture or TPicture contains a bitmap, icon, metafile graphic, or user-defined graphic. It is used in Windows development to display images to the user as part of the graphical user interface. DelphiVCL.Picture or TPicture is a TGraphic container, used to hold a graphic, the type of which is specified in the Graphic property. It is used in place of a TGraphic if the graphic can be of…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUI

Everything You Need To Play Sounds And Music In Python Apps

Do you want to be able to make your Python apps play sounds and music? Whether it’s Linux, macOS or app development on Windows, adding sounds or the ability to play music adds a great new dimension to your programs and lifts them free of being restricted to the beeps and “oh oh” chimes of the operating system. You will be learning how to use sounds in Tkinter with this video.
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DelphiDelphiVCLLearn PythonPythonPython GUIWindows

What is The Delphi VCL For Python And Why Is It So Good?

DelphiVCL is a powerful framework for creating excellent, modern, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your Python programs. DelphiVCL is independent of Delphi and does not require Delphi to be installed. However, you can make use of Delphi’s powerful IDE software and its easy-to-use designers (available even in the free Community Edition) to visually design and advance your user interface for…
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