DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Lists of All Available ModalResult Constants and Values

ModalResult represents the return value from a modal dialog. ModalResult represents the value returned by a modal dialog. An application can use any integer value as a modal result value. Although ModalResult can take any integer value, the following constants are defined for commonly used ModalResult values: Constant Value Meaning mrNone 0 None. Used as a…
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DelphiDelphiVCLIDELearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD StudioWindows

Python GUI: Python For Delphi VCL vs wxPython

Are you an expert in desktop apps and GUI development who also want to work with Python because of its simplicity, flexible use, and growing demand in the market out there? Or are you a Python Developer at any level who wants to start a GUI development journey? If you check both of those boxes, then this article is for you. We will review the two examples of the most powerful Python Desktop…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Store And Manipulate Strings With DelphiVCL.Strings Or TStrings In Python

DelphiVCL.Strings or TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings. Use DelphiVCL.Strings or TStrings to store and manipulate a list of strings. Descendants of TStrings can represent several individual strings, such as the individual lines that appear in a list box. Some objects use descendants of TStrings to represent one long body of the text so that it…
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