DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Learn About delphivcl.Persistent

DelphiVCL.Persistent or TPersistent is the ancestor for all objects that have assignment and streaming capabilities. TPersistent encapsulates the behavior common to all objects that can be assigned to other objects, and that can read and write their properties to and from a form file (.xfm or .dfm file).  For this purpose, DelphiVCL.Persistent introduces methods that can be overridden…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Using delphivcl.TabSheet to Create a Tabbed Page

delphivcl.TabSheet is an individual page in a PageControl object. We use TabSheet to represent a single page in tabbed page control. Tab sheets are typically referred to as pages. PageControl maintains an indexed array of its tab sheets in its Pages property. Users can click on a tab to activate the tab sheet. You can use the Caption property of the TabSheet control to define an accelerator…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Learn About delphivcl.Monitor or TMonitor

DelphiVCL.Monitor or TMonitor represents a monitor on which an application runs. DelphiVCL.Monitor represents a monitor that displays the user interface of an application. It introduces properties to describe the dimensions of a single monitor. In addition, the Primary property distinguishes the primary property from other monitors on the system. When writing multi-monitor…
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