DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Learn About delphivcl.Control

DelphiVCL.Control is the base class for all components that are visible at run time. DelphiVCL.Control are visual components, meaning the user can see them and possibly interact with them at run time. All controls have properties, methods, and events that describe aspects of their appearance, such as the position of the control, the cursor or hint associated with the control, methods to…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

ActionList in DelphiVCL4Python

ActionList or TActionList maintains a list of actions that your application can take in response to something a user does, such as components and controls (e.g. menu items and buttons). Use Action lists to centralize the response to user commands (actions). Action list components maintain a list of actions that are available to the client controls in an application. This lets you share…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Discover Available delphivcl.Form Methods, Properties, and Events!

The documentation for Delphi’s VCL is available on Embarcadero’s DocWiki. You will notice that on DocWiki, all the VCL components are prefixed with a T. This is a convention of the Delphi language, but the DelphiVCL4Python module removes the T prefix for a more Python-like experience (see and compare it with the outputs of this post). Here are the lists of all the methods, events, and…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Compare DelphiVCL4Python With Python GUI Frameworks Like Tkinter For Windows

Let’s compare the DelphiVCL form with other Python GUI frameworks (we take the GUI created in this post as an example): DelphiVCL provides better OS integration and styling by default. It provides Windows-10 styling to make your GUI looks professional and up-to-date. DelphiVCL even provides Windows right-click functionality by default. Compared with PyQt that lacks OS…
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