When carrying out Windows development, use the CurrentHelpFile property or DelphiVCL.Application.CurrentHelpFile to indicate the current Help file.
You can read CurrentHelpFile to determine the name of the Help file that is currently used by the application when it executes a Help command (through the HelpCommand method) or when it brings up context-sensitive Help (through the HelpContext or…
The Action parameter in DelphiVCL is used to specify the action associated with the control when carrying out Windows development.
Action is the action object that is associated with the control. Actions allow an application to centralize the response to user commands.
What is the ClassNameIs Method in delphivcl.Application?
March 3, 2022
The ClassNameIs method or DelphiVCL.Application.ClassNameIs is used to determine whether an object is of a specific type when you develop windows software.
ClassNameIs determines whether an object instance or class reference has a class name that matches a specified…
Python Tools: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
February 28, 2022
Python is considered one of the most widely used programming languages globally. It is famous for its readable syntax, dynamic nature, and robust object-oriented nature.Additionally, Python’s applications form a diverse variety, from being the first programming language for many beginners to being the standard language for AI/ML applications.
However, many developers face…
What Is delphivcl.Picture Used For In Windows Development?
February 18, 2022
DelphiVCL.Picture or TPicture contains a bitmap, icon, metafile graphic, or user-defined graphic. It is used in Windows development to display images to the user as part of the graphical user interface.
DelphiVCL.Picture or TPicture is a TGraphic container, used to hold a…
What Is A delphivcl.PaintBox And How Does It Work?
February 17, 2022
DelphiVCL.PaintBox or TPaintBox provides a canvas that applications can use for rendering an image when you develop Windows software.
We can use TPaintBox to add custom images to a form. Unlike TImage, which displays an image that is stored in a bitmap, icon, or metafile…
This Is How TShiftState Works For Windows App Development
February 16, 2022
TShiftState in DelphiVCL indicates the state of the modifier keys – shift/ctrl/alt, the mouse buttons, or touch devices when you are performing Windows app development.
The TShiftState type is used by key-event and mouse-event handlers to determine the state of the modifier keys, the state of the mouse buttons, or the state of an attached touch device when the event occurs. It is a set of…
What is The Delphi VCL For Python And Why Is It So Good?
February 8, 2022
DelphiVCL is a powerful framework for creating excellent, modern, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your Python programs. DelphiVCL is independent of Delphi and does not require Delphi to be installed. However, you can make use of Delphi’s powerful IDE software and its…
How To Use The Value Property For Actions and Parameters
February 3, 2022
We use the Value property to set or specify any actions or parameters in the DelphiVCL library while using the IDE software.
Here is the working example of Value with CanSelect parameter:
def grdTestSelectCell(Sender, Col, Row, CanSelect):
if Col == 2 and Row ==…
What Is The Lines Property And How Do I Use It?
February 2, 2022
The Lines Property contains the individual lines of text in the memo control. This works for native Windows development.
We use Lines to manipulate text in a memo control on a line-by-line basis. Lines is a DelphiVCL.Strings or TStrings object, so the TStrings methods may be used for Lines to perform manipulations such as counting the lines of text, adding new lines, deleting lines, or…