AndroidCodeDelphiLearn PythonProjectsPythonPython GUI

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python

Are you interested in building an application that can calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) using Python GUI? Look no further, as we will guide you through creating a BMI app with Python. BMI is essential for monitoring and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making it a great project for beginners and intermediate-level Python programmers. With the help of Python and the Delphi ecosystem, you…
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AndroidDelphiDelphiFMXLearn PythonPythonPython GUI

How To Create A Python Quiz Application With DelphiFMX?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, with uses ranging from data analysis to web development. It’s understandable why many programmers prefer Python due to its simple syntax and robust libraries. While there are many resources for learning Python scripting, quizzes are occasionally the greatest way to evaluate your understanding. In this post, we’ll look at…
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DelphiFMXDelphiVCLIDELearn PythonPythonPython GUI

How To Get Started With Python GUI Development?

Third-party development packages/frameworks are made to simplify a developer’s job. They facilitate the development of a specific type of application or the use of a specific language. Instead of manually coding the user interface in Python, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) framework for Python makes the process much simpler. This article will serve as a basic introduction to an e-book…
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How To Add Python Testing Tools Into Pandas Machine Learning Code

Testing your code is critical throughout the software or machine learning system development life cycle. Following this, selecting – and employing the appropriate Python testing tools should be an essential part of writing high-quality machine learning apps. Unlike other tech stacks, pandas does not have a strong testing culture. The majority of pandas developers never write tests. However…
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