DelphiFMXDelphiVCLIDELearn PythonPythonPython GUI

How To Get Started With Python GUI Development?

Third-party development packages/frameworks are made to simplify a developer’s job. They facilitate the development of a specific type of application or the use of a specific language. Instead of manually coding the user interface in Python, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) framework for Python makes the process much simpler. This article will serve as a basic introduction to an e-book…
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DelphiFMXPythonPython GUI

How To Create A Currency Converter Python GUI App With DelphiFMX

A graphical user interface, more commonly known as a GUI, is an important component of software application programming for human-computer interaction, replacing text-based commands with user-interactive visual actions. With the aid of a GUI, users can perform operations on a device, platform, program, or application without having to type commands or comprehend the underlying coding. So, if you…
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Python GUI

What's The Best Python Graph Tool To Solve Your Business Problems

The need for graphing arises in various types of business, as they are often used to solve various tasks. That’s why it’s important to have a simple and convenient graph tool. Python offers a number of such tools. Using built-in functions, you can easily build and customize complex graphs of different types. So, what business problems do graphs solve, and what is the best graph tool…
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Python GUI

How To Build A TODO TUI Application With Textual

Did you know it’s possible to build a rich UI that runs completely in the terminal? Even some experienced Python developers avoid using the terminal in favor of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). But, today, many developer tools use a Terminal User Interface (TUI) since…
Python GUI

Recommended Read: Mixing Python and Delphi Made Easy

“Mixing Python and Delphi Made Easy” is a highly recommended read from developer Simon Booth. Here’s the introduction: A Marriage of Convenience The recent release of a suite of Delphi components allows you to Embed a full Python Environment in a Delphi Application. It may not be obvious why you’d want to do this in the first place. To Delphi developers, the mere mention…
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