DelphiPythonPython GUIWindows

Draw Visually Stunning Networks In Your Python GUI App Using NetworkX Python Library

Are you looking for visually-stunning tools to represent networks of knowledge, communication, social interactions, data organization, etc in your GUI App? This post will get you to understand how to use the NetworkX Python Library using Python4Delphi (P4D) in the Delphi/C++ Builder application and perform some interesting Network Visualization tasks.  NetworkX is a Python package…
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DelphiPythonPython GUIWindows

Build A Machine Learning Solutions With Scikit-Learn Library In A Delphi Windows App

Are you looking for an end-to-end open-source machine learning platform, and build a nice GUI for them? You can deliver enterprise-grade machine learning solutions easily by combining Scikit-Learn and Python4Delphi library, inside Delphi and C++Builder. And as a bonus, integrating Python with Delphi can speed up the execution time (read our other articles about TensorFlow and…
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DelphiDelphiVCLIDELearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD StudioWindows

Python For Delphi VCL vs Python GUI Generator: wxGlade

Are you an expert in desktop apps and GUI development who want to also work with Python because of its simplicity, flexible use, and growing demand in the market out there? Or are you a Python Developer at any level who wants to start a GUI development journey? This article is for you. We will review the two examples of the most powerful Python Desktop App and GUI Frameworks: Python For…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Learn About delphivcl.Application.DestroyComponents

The DestroyComponents method or DelphiVCL.Application.DestroyComponents is used to destroy all owned components. DestroyComponents iterates through the components owned by the component, removing each from the list of owned components and destroying it. It is not necessary to call DestroyComponents directly. DestroyComponents is automatically called when the component is…
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