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How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI

creating sentiment analysis app using delphi fmx and a deep learning model

In today’s data-driven world, understanding the sentiment behind some text is crucial for making informed decisions. By sentiment analysis we mean working out whether tone the writer was using in their text could be categorized as angry, happy, sad, enthusiastic and so on. Imagine a powerful desktop application that instantly classifies text as neutral, positive, or negative. A feedback form handler, for example, which can tell if customers are angry about something. Or a review tool for a restaurant chain which can see automatically if their clientele is mostly happy with the service and food quality. We can turn this vision into reality with the Python Delphi ecosystem and the advanced deep-learning models from Hugging Face.

In this article, we’ll explore the fusion of Delphi’s development process and the precision of deep learning. By leveraging the flexibility of Delphi’s FMX framework, we’ll create an intuitive user interface, complete with a file picker and text input, enabling users to analyze sentiment effortlessly. And to take our app to the next level, we’ll enrich the user experience and provide an understanding of the analyzed text.

Why Have Transformers Become Popular in Deep Learning?

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   a laptop showing some code

Transformers have become widely popular in sentiment analysis apps due to their groundbreaking impact on natural language processing (NLP). With their attention mechanism, transformers excel at capturing contextual relationships within the text, enabling more accurate sentiment analysis by capturing subtle nuances and dependencies.

Moreover, transformers have revolutionized transfer learning in sentiment analysis. Developers can leverage comprehensive language representations by pre-training models on extensive datasets and fine-tuning them on sentiment-specific tasks, saving valuable time and resources. This approach has significantly accelerated the development process of sentiment analysis apps, enabling them to decipher sentiments in a context-aware manner accurately.

Which Tools Can Be Used For Creating GUIs for ML-Powered Apps?

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   a laptop on the VCL and FMX libraries page

When creating GUIs for ML-powered apps, the Delphi IDE and Delphi FMX (FireMonkey) framework are powerful tools at your disposal.

The Delphi IDE provides a comprehensive set of visual design tools and components that enable you to create stunning and intuitive user interfaces for your ML-powered applications. With its drag-and-drop interface, you can easily design and customize GUI elements, such as buttons, input fields, and data displays, to create a seamless user experience.

The Delphi FMX framework is a cross-platform UI framework that allows you to build visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. FMX supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, making it suitable for creating ML-powered apps that can be deployed on different devices.

Furthermore, if you’re working with ML models developed in Python, you can leverage the Delphi4PythonExporter tool. This tool seamlessly integrates Delphi and Python, allowing you to export and utilize your Python-based ML models within your Delphi application. 

How to Create a Sentiment Analysis App With a Stunning GUI for Desktop?

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   two people looking at the RAD Studio IDE

What Are the Prerequisites For Creating A Sentiment Analysis App?

To create a sentiment analysis app, specific prerequisites need to be met. Install Delphi IDE and the FMX Python library on your device. These tools will provide the foundation for developing the app’s graphical user interface. You will also require a text editor or IDE that supports Python, such as PyScripter, along with the Delphi4PythonExporter tool for seamless integration between Delphi and Python.

If any of these tools are not yet installed, it is recommended to refer to the article titled “Powerful Python GUI Project Setup” to assist you in getting started. In terms of Python libraries, the transformers library is essential for working with pre-trained models and performing sentiment analysis tasks. You can install this library by executing the following command:

Finally, to access the code for this tutorial, you can retrieve it from the GitHub repository provided below:

Can I Download Pre-trained Sentiment Analysis Models From Online Platforms?

Yes, you can download pre-trained models from online platforms, and one popular platform for accessing and downloading pre-trained models is Hugging Face. This platform provides a wide range of pre-trained models for various NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis, text classification, machine translation, question answering, and more. These models are trained on large datasets and have already learned language representations, making them valuable resources for building NLP applications.

To download pre-trained models from Hugging Face, you can use their Python library called “transformers.” This library lets you easily access and utilize pre-trained models in your machine-learning projects. You can select a specific model based on your task requirements, such as sentiment analysis, and then download the model files and the associated tokenizer.

Once downloaded, you can use the pre-trained model in your ML pipeline, fine-tune it on your specific dataset, or integrate it into your ML-powered app using frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow.

How to Create a Stunning GUI For Our Sentiment Analysis App?

Let’s start by opening up Delphi CE and creating a blank project. We will do this by selecting Multi-Device Application > Blank Application and clicking Ok. Here, we have named our project as Sentiment_Analysis_App.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   creating a new app

If you need to become more familiar with the various sections of the Delphi IDE, we recommend referring to our free eBook bundle, which covers the Delphi Python EcoSystem and all Python GUI offerings.

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Let’s start by renaming our form. To do this, right-click on the form and select QuickEdit. Here we will name our form MainForm with the caption Sentiment Analysis App.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   updating the caption

Next, we will rename our source file from Unit1.pas to Main.pas to make it easier to keep track of. 

Now, we will resize our form. To do this, select the form and navigate to the Object Inspector. Here we will search for the ClientWidth and ClientHeight properties in the Properties tab. We will set these properties to 500 and 500, respectively.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the object inspector

Now let’s start adding a few labels to our form. To do this, navigate to the standard Palette and search for the TLabel component. Drag and drop this component onto the form.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI    filtering for TLabel

Now modify the style by using the TextSettings property of the label. We will do this by navigating to the Object Inspector and searching for the TextSettings property. Next, click the ellipses button next to the Font property to see options for modifying the label based on your preferences. Here we will set our font family as SemiBold Segoe UI with different font sizes for each label. In addition, we will set the HorzAlign and VertAlign properties for our labels as Center.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   changing the alignment

Here is what our form looks like:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen 1

As you can see in the form, we have added three labels to our form. The Title label will serve only as a placeholder to display the title. The Result label will show the result of the sentiment analysis algorithm. Finally, the FileName label will simply display the filename.

Next, let’s add a few buttons to our form. For this, we will use the TButton component, so navigate to the Palette and search for the component.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   filtering for TButton

We will add two buttons to our form. The ResultButton will evaluate the sentiment of our input, whereas the FilePickButton will help us select a file that will be analyzed.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen 2

We have also disabled the FilePickButton by default by setting the Enabled property to False.

To allow the user to select a file, we will add a TOpenDialog component, which will help us open a dialog box to select a file from our system. So open up the Palette and search for the TOpenDialog component. Drag and drop this component anywhere on your form.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the open dialog

Now, let’s add a text box to our form to allow the user to input some text the model will analyze. To do this, open up the Palette and search for TEdit. Add this component to your form and rename it to SentimentTextEdit

Turn off this button by setting the Enabled property to False.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen 3

To complete our form, we will add a few TRadioButton components. These will help the user select the file picker or the text box to analyze some text. So open up the Palette and search for the TRadioButton component. Add this component to your form. We will add two radio buttons FilePickerRadio, and TextboxRadio, that will help us select either of them. Here is what our form looks like:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen 4

How to Create Stylish Forms in Delphi IDE?

Now that our form is ready, let’s add some style. But before that, you will need to download the free ebook bundle, which comes shipped with a multitude of styles that you can choose from. 

First, download your free ebook and extract the FMX styles zip to your chosen directory. Next, select the style you want to use. For this project, we will use available in the bundle.

To use this style, head to the Palette and add the TStyleBook component to your form.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   a stylebook
How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen 5

Next, double-click on the StyleBook1 component to open up your Style Designer. Now, click on the open button to open up a dialog box.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   style designer

Navigate to the .style file of your choosing in the dialog box, select your file, and finally click on exit. 

Once you’ve finalized your style, select the MainForm and head to the Object Inspector. Here we will search for the StyleBook property. Select the drop-down menu and select StyleBook1.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the object inspector

Here is what our form looks like:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen with style applied

Let’s complete our form by adding an image. Start by making some room for our image. We will move all the components down by a few pixels for this. Next, head over to the Palette and search for the TImage component. Add this component to your form.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the palette selecting TImage
How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen

Next, head to the object inspector and click on the ellipses (...) next to the MultiResBitMap property.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   bitmap

Click on the Fill All From File button and select your chosen image. Now Click on the exit button to load the image.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   editing the bitmap

Finally, adjust the image to your needs. Here is what our final form looks like:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   app screen with images

Can I Export These Forms to Python Code?

Now that the form is complete, we can export it using the Delphi4Python exporter. But before we can do that, we need to add some functionality to each button in the form. 

To do this, double-click on each button on the form. This will add an OnClick method to that button. The procedure will be created in the .pas file of the form. This allows you to add unique functionality to each button when clicked.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the code behind the screen

Because the Delphi4PythonExporter does not use run-time implementation, we must add at least one comment (//) to each procedure to preserve the function when we export the form.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   commenting out the click events

Now that our form is ready, we are ready to export. Select Tools > Export To Python > Export Current Entire Project to export the project.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   export to Python to begin the magic

Here we will give the project the title Sentiment Analysis App. Next, select the directory of your choosing and click on Export:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the project export process

Because we had one form, Delphi will generate two Python files and one .pyfmx file.The file will be used to run the application, whereas the file contains the class for the MainForm. The .pyfmx file contains the visual information for the MainForm. Below are the contents for each Python file.

How to Put it All Together Into a Full-Fledged Sentiment Analysis App? 

Now that we are done with the form, all we need to do is add functionality. Let’s start by opening up in the text editor of your choice and importing some libraries:

Next, head over to the __init__ function and initialize the model and tokenizer for the transformer model. Here we will use the "ProsusAI/finbert" sentiment analyzer model available on HuggingFace. Here is what our final __init__ function looks like:

Next, navigate to the FilePickButtonClick function. Here we will open the file picker dialog box and filter the files to show only the .txt files. Our final FilePickButtonClick function looks like:

Now, let’s define our ResultButtonClick function. We will start by checking which radio button is checked. If the TextboxRadio button is checked, we will extract the text from the SentimentTextEdit text box and store it in our text variable. We will then use our predict function (which we will define later) to predict the sentiment of the text. The predict function will also display the sentiment in the Result label:

Next, if the FilePickerRadio button is checked, we open the text file and store the data in the text variable. We then use the predict function to predict the sentiment. Our final ResultButtonClick function looks like:

Now, let’s define our predict function. We will start by processing our text to generate tokens. We will then pass these tokens to the model to generate an output based on the text. We then extract the output from the last layer of the model to get the predicted_label. Next, we use the predicted_label and the model config to decode our prediction. Here is what our predict function looks like:

Finally, we need a way to enable/disable our textbox and button based on which radio button is ticked. We will do this by first opening up Main.pyfmx and creating an OnChange event for both our TextboxRadio and FilePickerRadio buttons.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the screen's code

Next, let’s define our RadioChange function. Open up and create a new RadioChange function. We define this function by checking if the TextboxRadio button is checked. If checked, we enable the SentimentTextEdit text box and disable the FilePickButton. Otherwise, if the FilePickerRadio button is checked, we simply turn off the SentimentTextEdit text box and enable the FilePickButton. Here is what our RadioChange function looks like:

Here is what our final file looks like:

Now that our application is ready, let’s test it out. Head over to and run the file.

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen  more screen

Now let’s test our application by selecting the Textbox radio button. This will enable the text box. Next, add some text to test out:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   testing the screen

Finally, click on the Analyze Sentiment button to check out the result:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen

Similarly, we can test out the file picker by selecting the File Picker radio button. This enables the Select File button. Now press the button to open a dialog box and select a text file to analyze. For now, we will be using test.txt. Here are the contents of our file: “The movie was an absolute disaster, with terrible acting, a nonsensical plot, and cringe-worthy dialogue. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.”

Once you’ve selected your text file, your file name should appear on the FileName label:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen

Now click on the Analyze Sentiment button to check out the result:

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   screen

What Are the Key Takeaways?

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   a happy man looking at a laptop screen showing a download page

Congrats! We have successfully created a Sentiment Analysis app by leveraging Delphi’s powerful IDE, Delphifmx Python library, and incorporating a deep learning model from Hugging Face. This user-friendly application allows users to classify text as neutral, positive, or negative, empowering them to extract valuable insights from textual data. Delphi’s versatility, extensive features, and cross-platform capabilities make it an ideal choice for developers looking to build innovative applications. 

With the fusion of Delphi and deep learning, the possibilities are boundless. Begin your app development journey with Delphi and unlock the potential to create special applications that revolutionize how we analyze and interpret sentiment in text.

What Are Some FAQs About this Topic?

How To Create A Sentiment Analysis App Using DelphiFMX And AI   the FAW page on a laptop

What is Delphi?

Delphi is an IDE that allows developers to build applications using the Object Pascal programming language. It provides various tools and components for creating GUI-based applications across various platforms.

What is sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis determines a given text’s sentiment or emotional tone, such as a review, social media post, or customer feedback. It involves classifying the text as positive, negative, or neutral, providing insights into the writer’s opinion or attitude.

What is a deep learning model?

A deep learning model is a machine learning model that utilizes artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn and extract complex patterns and representations from data. Deep learning models have been particularly successful in various domains, including NLP tasks like sentiment analysis.

What is Hugging Face?

Hugging Face is an open-source platform that provides a wide range of pre-trained models and tools for NLP. It offers resources such as transformer models, tokenizers, and libraries like Transformers, facilitating the development and deployment of NLP applications.

Can Delphi be used for building machine-learning applications?

Yes, Delphi can be used for building machine-learning applications. With its versatile IDE and frameworks like Delphi FMX, developers can create visually appealing and user-friendly GUIs for ML-powered applications. Additionally, tools like Delphi4PythonExporter enable integration with Python-based machine learning models, expanding the capabilities of Delphi in the ML domain.

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