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How To Make Apps With Advanced Natural Language Processing

How To Make Apps With Advanced Natural Language Processing

Do you want to add advanced & blazing fast Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to your GUI app when building with Python Windows GUI Builder? This post will get you to understand how to use spaCy Python Library using Python4Delphi (P4D) in the Delphi/C++ Builder application and perform some advanced NLP tasks.

What is spaCy?

spaCy is a free, open-source library for advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python. It’s designed specifically for production use and helps you build applications that process and “understand” large volumes of text. It can be used to build information extraction or natural language understanding systems.

What are spaCy’s features?

Here are spaCy powerful features overview:


How do I enable spaCy for NLP inside Python4Delphi in Windows?

First, here is how you can get spaCy:


Is there a ready-trained speech recognition pipeline?

Empower your system by downloading the trained pipeline here:


and don’t forget to put the path where your spaCy installed, to the System Environment Variables, here are the example:



How do I perform NLP operations using spaCy inside Python4Delphi?

This post will guide you on how to perform advanced Natural Language Processing operations via Python’s spaCy and then display it in the Delphi Windows GUI app.First, open and run our Python GUI using project Demo1 from Python4Delphi with RAD Studio. Then insert the script into the lower Memo, click the Execute button, and get the result in the upper Memo. You can find the Demo1 source on GitHub. The behind-the-scene details of how Delphi manages to run your Python code in this amazing Python GUI can be found at this link.

Open Demo01dproj

Is there an example of how to use spaCy?

The following is a code example of spaCy to analyze syntax, find named entities, phrases, and concepts to any given documents (run this inside the lower Memo of Python4Delphi Demo01 GUI):


It runs blazingly fast, doing all the NLP operations smoothly for any text you feed to it as input!

Let’s see the result:

spaCy Demo with Python4Delphi in Windows

Congratulations, now you have learned how to perform advanced Natural Language Processing tasks via Python’s spaCy  and then display it in the Delphi Windows GUI app.


Where can I find out more about natural language processing in my apps?

Check out the spaCy library for Python and use it in your projects: ,

check out Python4Delphi which easily allows you to build Python GUIs for Windows using Delphi:,

or read our collections of NLP articles:





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