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Lists of All Available MsgDlgButtons

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MsgDlgButtons defines a set of values used by MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos.

The MsgDlgButtons type defines the set of values a button in a message box can have. The TMsgDlgButtons type is used by the MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos functions.

The following table lists all the buttons that can appear on a form:

Value Meaning
mbYes A button with the text ‘Yes’ on its face
mbNo A button with the text ‘No’ on its face
mbOK A button with the text ‘OK’ on its face
mbCancel A button with the text ‘Cancel’ on its face
mbAbort A button with the text ‘Abort’ on its face
mbRetry A button with the text ‘Retry’ on its face
mbIgnore A button with the text ‘Ignore’ on its face
mbAll A button with the text ‘All’ on its face
mbNoToAll A button with the text ‘No to All’ on its face
mbYesToAll A button with the text ‘Yes to All’ on its face
mbClose A button with the text ‘Close’ on its face

The Dialogs unit defines the following constants that must be used by the MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos functions:

Constant Meaning
mbYesNoCancel mbYes, mbNo, and mbCancel
mbYesAllNoAllCancel mbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbNoToAll, and mbCancel
mbOKCancel mbOK and mbCancel
mbAbortRetryIgnore mbAbort, mbRetry, and mbIgnore
mbAbortIgnore mbAbort, mbIgnore

You can find all the possible values above, using the dir() command:



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