ActivateHint method or DelphiVCL.Application.ActivateHint is used to display a hint window for the control at a specified position.
ActivateHint locates the control or menu item at the position specified by CursorPos, where CursorPos represents a screen coordinate in pixels. After locating the control, ActivateHint displays the control’s Hint in a hint window.
Let’s browse…
.SetBounds will set the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties all at once.
Use SetBounds to change all of the component’s boundary properties at one time. The same effect can be achieved by setting the Left, Top, Width, and Height properties…
The Delphi Run-Time Library (or RTL) is composed of a number of base units that provide the underlying support for most of the VCL component libraries. The RTL includes global routines, utility classes such as those that represent streams and lists, and classes such as…
Learn About delphivcl.WinControl
May 21, 2021
DelphiVCL.WinControl or TWinControl is the base class for all controls that are wrappers for Microsoft Windows screen objects.
TWinControl provides the common functionality for all controls that act as wrappers for Microsoft Windows screen objects (“windows”). Controls that are wrap underlying windows have the following features:
The control can incorporate the…
Learn About delphivcl.StringGrid
May 19, 2021
DelphiVCL.StringGrid or TStringGrid represents a grid control designed to simplify the handling of strings and associated objects.
Add a TStringGrid object to a form to present textual data in a tabular format. TStringGrid provides many properties to control the…
In DelphiVCL Library or Python in general, the following methods can be defined to emulate numeric objects. Methods corresponding to operations that are not supported by the particular kind of number implemented (e.g., bitwise operations for non-integral numbers) should be…
Create a Tabular Format with delphivcl.DrawGrid
May 16, 2021
DelphiVCL.DrawGrid represents a grid control that displays information in column and row format.
Add a DelphiVCL.DrawGrid object to a form to present arbitrary information in a tabular format. DrawGrid provides many properties to control the appearance of the grid, as well as events and methods that take advantage of the tabular organization of the grid in responding to user…
Add Strings to Various Components using .Items
May 12, 2021
In previous examples, we already use .Items several times (see Getting Started with DelphiVCL III: Overview of Commonly used VCL Components). We use it in ListBox, ComboBox, and RadioGroup. Items contain the strings that appear in the ListBox, ComboBox, and…
delphivcl.Memo is a wrapper for a Windows multiline edit control.
We use Memo to put a standard Windows multiline edit control on a form. Multiline edit boxes allow the user to enter more than one line of text. They are appropriate for representing lengthy…
Learn About delphivcl.StaticText
May 9, 2021
DelphiVCL.StaticText or TStaticText is a windowed control that displays text on a form.
The DelphiVCL.StaticText or TStaticText component functions like TLabel, except that it descends from TWinControl and therefore has a window handle. Use TStaticText instead of TLabel when the component’s accelerator key must belong to a windowed control—for example, on an ActiveX property…