In this tutorial, we will unleash the power of machine learning and Delphi’s ecosystem to create an ingenious food classification app. Experience the future of food identification, empowering users to make informed choices with real-time analysis, all at their fingertips. Let’s dive into the exciting journey of building an ML-powered food classification app using Delphi.
Do you want to learn how to use Python GUI to make an entertaining and challenging game? Look no further than the Hi-Lo game! This game is a great practice for beginning and intermediate Python programmers because it demands players predict a randomly generated integer…
Memory games have long been a popular way to kill time while improving cognitive skills. It’s no surprise that, with the increase of mobile devices, memory games have made their way onto our smartphones and tablets. If you want to create a memory game for Android…
Are you interested in building an application that can calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) using Python GUI? Look no further, as we will guide you through creating a BMI app with Python. BMI is essential for monitoring and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making it a great project for beginners and intermediate-level Python programmers.
With the help of Python and the Delphi ecosystem, you…
Delphi is a popular development environment for building Windows and mobile applications. It has a rich set of libraries and tools that make it easy to create cross-platform apps. Delphi for Python is an extension of Delphi that allows you to use supercharge Python to build…
Mobile applications have become increasingly popular today, where technology plays a significant role in our lives. One such application is a unit converter app, which allows users to convert different units of measurement quickly and easily. If you’re interested in…
How To Start Python GUI Development With Delphi?
March 29, 2023
Python is a popular and versatile programming language, and GUI development in Python is in high demand. However, developing GUI applications, particularly cross-platform ones, can be difficult. Delphi is a powerful programming language used for GUI development since the 1990s. In this article, we will look at how to get started with Python GUI development with Delphi and how to use the powerful…
How To Get Started With Python GUI Development?
January 30, 2023
Third-party development packages/frameworks are made to simplify a developer’s job. They facilitate the development of a specific type of application or the use of a specific language. Instead of manually coding the user interface in Python, a Graphical User Interface…
How To Make A Python Script For Solving MP2 Equations
January 25, 2023
Recently, we showed the basics of quantum chemistry is, and how to do it using Python. This will be a continuation of it. In this article, we will discuss how to write a python script for solving mp2 equations. Make sure you check out the previous article to learn the very…
What Is Quantum Chemistry And How To Do It Easily In Python?
December 19, 2022
What is quantum chemistry?
What do you think of when you hear the word chemistry? You imagine explosions, smoking glassware, and colorful compounds, right? But did you know that chemistry can be done outside a lab, and we can use Python tools to help too? There are chemical reactions that are difficult to perform experimentally. The reagents might be too expensive, the process outcome might be…