Python GUI

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Python Coding Software

Python is everywhere. It has proven its worth time and time again, whether the demand is for scalability, stability, processing, and I/O performance, or just for simplicity and readability to make maintenance and onboarding new staff easier. Its libraries are among the most well-documented and well-maintained code resources available, and its object-oriented, dynamically typed, interpreted…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Learn about delphivcl.Application.ComponentState For Development On Windows

When performing development on Windows, the ComponentState property or DelphiVCL.Application.ComponentState is used to describe the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. ComponentState is a set of constants defined in the TComponentState type. Components use the ComponentState property to detect states in which certain kinds of actions…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What is the ClassNameIs Method in delphivcl.Application?

The ClassNameIs method or DelphiVCL.Application.ClassNameIs is used to determine whether an object is of a specific type when you develop windows software. ClassNameIs determines whether an object instance or class reference has a class name that matches a specified string. This is useful to query objects across modules or shared libraries. Let’s browse all the properties, methods, and…
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Python GUI

Python Tools: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Python is considered one of the most widely used programming languages globally. It is famous for its readable syntax, dynamic nature, and robust object-oriented nature.Additionally, Python’s applications form a diverse variety, from being the first programming…
Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Everything You Need To Create Transparent Windows With Tkinter

The best part of using the Tkinter GUI framework in Python is that you can get full control of the elements you want to add to your application. The widget-based system makes it easy to input elements and functions using a simple line of codes and commands. There are many areas to explore in Tkinter and despite the apparent simplicity, you will be surprised by the things you can do in this…
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