Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Everything You Need To Connect Tkinter To A SQLite Database

When it comes to Graphical User Interface or GUI Programming in Python, Tkinter is a default toolkit or default library available for users, especially for beginners to build some robust small-scale applications in Python. While there are many other options available but when it comes to simplicity and the ease-of-use, Tkinter is by far the easier module to create rapid applications. It helps to…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Why You Should Deploy Django On A Serverless Infrastructure

If you are familiar with Django Girls, it is a non-profit organization and a huge community that empowers and helps women to organize one-day programming workshops for free. The workshop helps aspiring female programmers to build their first-ever web applications using HTML, CSS, Python, and Django. Of course, building your web application is just the first step. You should also learn how to…
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Python GUI

This Is The Beginner's Guide to Python GUI Tools

Since its introduction, Python has emerged as one of the most powerful programming technologies. Its simple syntax and robust object-oriented nature have made it a favorite among different developer communities. Today, teams can rely on Python whether they are carrying out…
DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Everything You Need To Know About C++ ABI Inside DelphiVCL4Python

C++ ABIs or more specifically: DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_1, DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_2, and DelphiVCL.Application.CPP_ABI_3 inside DelphiVCL.Application is C++ ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces, which are implemented under the hood, including how parameters are passed, such as in a register or on the stack). In windows development software but also especially for Linux, an…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What does the OnMessage Event in DelphiVCL.Application do?

In Windows application development the OnMessage or DelphiVCL.Application.OnMessage occurs when the application receives a message from either the Windows operating system or another application. How to use the DelphiVCL.Application.OnMessage event properly? We use the OnMessage to trap any or all Windows messages posted to all windows in the application. The OnMessage event occurs when an…
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