DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Discover Available delphivcl.Form Methods, Properties, and Events!

The documentation for Delphi’s VCL is available on Embarcadero’s DocWiki. You will notice that on DocWiki, all the VCL components are prefixed with a T. This is a convention of the Delphi language, but the DelphiVCL4Python module removes the T prefix for a more Python-like experience (see and compare it with the outputs of this post). Here are the lists of all the methods, events, and…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

How to Change the Font Attributes

We use Font or TFont to specify the attributes of text written on or in the control. To change to a new font, specify a new TFont object. To modify a font, change the value of the Charset, Color, Height, Name, Pitch, Size, or Style of the TFont object. Note: Changing the font color of the Caption is not supported for some controls (such as TButton). In most cases, there is an…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Python: Getting Started with DelphiVCL4Python III: Overview of Commonly Used VCL Components

To increase your familiarity with DelphiVCL Components, this post will show you a demo that presents commonly used VCL components, and call them one-by-one with Python. The following is a Python code sample using DelphiVCL4Python: from delphivcl import * class MainForm(Form): def __init__(self, Owner): self.Caption = "Components Overview Sample" self.Name = "BaseForm" …
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

OnDblClick Event in DelphiVCL4Python Library

OnDblClick event occurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the control. We use the OnDblClick event to respond to mouse double-clicks. OnDblClick is an event handler of type System.Classes.TNotifyEvent. What is TNotifyEvent? TNotifyEvent is used for events that do not require parameters. The TNotifyEvent type is the type…
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