DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

Python: Getting Started with DelphiVCL III: Overview of Commonly Used VCL Components

This Is The DelphiVCLApplicationModalFinished Method

To increase your familiarity with DelphiVCL Components, this post will show you a demo that presents commonly used VCL components, and call them one-by-one with Python.

The following is a Python code sample using DelphiVCL4Python:

Here is the GUI created by the Python code above:

1 5656481
2 4927617

Note for beta release users

In practice, the only difference between DelphiVCL for Python release version and the beta version is only in how you write the DelphiVCL. Here is the example for how you import the library:

  • Release version:
  • Beta version:

Watch this comprehensive introduction to Python GUI Development with DelphiVCL library video by Jim McKeeth:

Also, watch the following webinar by Alexey Sharagin to Master the Secrets of Beautiful Modern Windows Apps:

Check out DelphiVCL which easily allows you to build GUIs for Windows using Python.

Check out Python4Delphi which easily allows you to build Python GUIs for Windows using Delphi.

References & further readings

[1] Anbarasan. (2021). 

Quickly Build Ultra-Modern Python Native Windows GUIs With Delphi. Embarcadero Technologies.

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