Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

How To Write A Python Desktop App To Clean Up An Excel File

Dealing with large data and locating errors in them can be a time-consuming and undeniably a tedious process. In this video tutorial, we will learn how to clean Excel data using Tkinter in a Python desktop app in less than 100 seconds. The Excel data contains 100,000 records with errors that are intentionally inputted. The video will highlight how to create a Tkinter Python GUI interface and the…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

This Is How To Build A Cool Image Viewer Python Desktop App

If you have been following Codemy on their YouTube channel, you might have seen and learned many projects using the Tkinter module in Python. Tkinter is the default GUI interface for Python and it allows users to create a simple GUI Python desktop app using its easy-to-use widget system. In this video, we are about to learn another interesting project ~ a fully functional and pretty cool Image…
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