
What Are Command Line Arguments And How To Pass Arguments To A Python Script

There are different ways to run a Python script. One of them is using the command line. To interact with the program when running the script you can use command line arguments. In this article, we will show how to pass arguments to a Python script and how to process them. What are command line arguments? Command line arguments are specific information passed to the program when it is…
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How To Exit A Python Script

Python is one of the most versatile programming languages on the planet. You can use it to develop a wide range of solutions. Examples include web applications, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. Also, Python is the most used programming language. Thanks to user-friendly syntax and powerful features. It’s very easy to use. You can exit a Python script whenever you…
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How To Run A Python Script?

Are you a beginner in Python programming? The very first thing that you need to learn is to run a Python script. It will enable you to understand whether the code will work or not. Hence, you can efficiently handle the issues. There are different ways of running a Python…
Python GUI

Where Can I Create A Python Script?

Almost everyone is familiar with the popular programming language Python. Programming, website development, machine learning, and data science are just a few of the business sectors where it is often used. Given its wide range of use cases, it is not unexpected that Python has surpassed Java as the most popular programming language. In addition, Python script developers are among the highest-paid…
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How To Use A Python Script

Python is a high-level, all-purpose programming language. It is extremely versatile and can be used to create desktop GUI programs, websites, and web applications. Also, handling routine programming tasks frees you up to concentrate on the essential features of the…
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How To Run A Python Script Correctly In Linux

Linux is arguably the most well-known open-source operating system for software developers. Similarly, Python has gained a reputation as one of the most versatile and popular programming languages globally. It has many built-in functions and libraries that make writing a…
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How To Delete A Record From A Database With A Python Script

John Elder of Codemy recently started a CRM database project using the Tkinter in Python. In this video, we will get the continuation of this project in which we will add another interesting functionality. The previous tutorial video taught us how create a Python script to add and view a record in the database. Now, we will add another useful function and that is the ability to delete a…
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