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What is ActionUpdateDelay Property in DelphiVCL.Application?

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ActionUpdateDelay property or DelphiVCL.Application.ActionUpdateDelay used to delay the call to DoActionIdle. This applies to native Windows development. The following example demonstrates the usefulness of this property:

  1. Create an MDI project with the main form, an MDI Child, and a TAction class.
  2. Link the TAction OnUpdate event to a method.
  3. Run the program and maximize the MDI child.

If you open Windows Task Manager, you can see that CPU usage for the MDI application is nearly 100%. However, if you set Application.ActionUpdateDelay to a non-zero value, the CPU usage for the application is significantly lower than 100%.

Let’s browse all the properties and methods of the DelphiVCL.Application.ActionUpdateDelay using dir() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:

You can also read short information about the DelphiVCL.Application.ActionUpdateDelay using the print() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:


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