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What is the ClassInfo Method in DelphiVCL.Application?

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The ClassInfo method or DelphiVCL.Application.ClassInfo is used to return a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.

ClassInfo provides access to the RTTI table for a given object type.

Some classes do not provide run-time type information. For these classes, ClassInfo returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). All classes descended from TPersistent do provide run-time type information.

Let’s browse all the properties, methods, and built-in properties of the DelphiVCL.Application.ClassInfo using dir() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:

You can also read short information about the DelphiVCL.Application.ClassInfo using the print() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:


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