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What is the FindComponent Method in DelphiVCL.Application?

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In this post, we’ll use the FindComponent method or DelphiVCL.Application.FindComponent to indicate whether a given component is owned by the component. Learning how to do it will allow you to easily build GUIs with Python Windows GUI Builder.

FindComponent returns the component in the Components property array with the name that matches the string in the AName parameter. Use FindComponent to determine whether a given component is owned by another.

Component name matches are not case-sensitive.

How to examine the properties and methods of the DelphiVCL.Application.FindComponent

Let’s browse all the properties, methods, and built-in properties of the DelphiVCL.Application.FindComponent using dir() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:

You can also read short information about the DelphiVCL.Application.FindComponent using the print() command:


See the responses in our Windows command prompt:


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