Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

How To Make Python Automatically Detect App Vulnerabilities

Before you download an app (not just one written with a Python IDE) or run a file such as a CMD script, it is important to know that the file itself is secured and safe. We do not want any harmful viruses to ruin our computer or hack all our private information. To prevent this from happening, we often run virus scanners before running the file. It is also equally important to verify signatures…
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Learn PythonPythonVideos

The Story Of How To Develop Trustworthy And Ethical AI With Python

Everyone may agree that it is necessary to keep humans safe and in charge, but enforcing ethics is daunting work. This video discusses how you should learn to use your preferred technology ethics code, not just in Python but in any programming language. It introduces the ethic subjects and move through a structure for user experience. Working on a big project is not always done single-handedly.
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUI

You Need To Write Less, Test More With Regression Testing

Here’s another great talk from the recently concluded PyCon. In this video, Igor T. Ghisi will discuss data regression testing and how exactly this procedure can help you in your Python project. As the data structures of a project increase in size and complexity, it becomes harder and harder to preserve test completeness. Testing objects with dozens of attributes and arrays with hundreds of…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Everything You Need To Build A Simple Chat Bot GUI

If you are planning to create an application whether it’s a big project or just a small yet functional app for desktop or mobile, the first thing you must learn, and master, is how to create a smooth and neat Graphical User Interface (GUI). In order for users to interact with your app, you need to build an interactive GUI. If you are using Python Programming language, it is always ideal to…
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