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How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python

how to create a bmi app with delphi ecosystem and python

Are you interested in building an application that can calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) using Python GUI? Look no further, as we will guide you through creating a BMI app with Python. BMI is essential for monitoring and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making it a great project for beginners and intermediate-level Python programmers. 

With the help of Python and the Delphi ecosystem, you can create an easy-to-use and interactive BMI app that anyone can use. In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to building a BMI app using Python GUI. So, let’s begin exploring the world of Python GUI programming!

Why is a BMI Calculator App Important?

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Python GUI page

A BMI calculator app is useful because it allows people to monitor and track their body mass index, which is an important indicator of their overall health and well-being.  

Such an app can be useful for individuals who want to maintain a healthy weight or for healthcare professionals who need to monitor their patients’ health. It can also detect potential health issues, such as obesity, leading to serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

With the help of a BMI calculator app, users can easily track their BMI and get feedback on their progress toward achieving a healthy weight. Additionally, these apps often provide helpful tips on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, making them an excellent tool for promoting healthy habits and overall wellness.

What Information do you Need to Calculate the BMI?

To calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), you need two pieces of information:

  1. Weight: The weight of the person in kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs).
  2. Height: The height of the person in meters (m) or feet (ft) and inches (in).

Using these two pieces of information, you can calculate the BMI using the following formula:

BMI = Weight (kg) / Height² (m²)

Alternatively, you can use the following formula if you weigh pounds and height in inches:

BMI = (Weight (lbs) / Height² (in²)) x 703

Once you have calculated the BMI, you can use it to determine the weight status of the person based on the following categories:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obese: BMI of 30 or higher

BMI is a useful tool for determining weight status but ignores things like muscle mass and body composition. Therefore, checking in with a healthcare professional for a more thorough health assessment is best.

What Kinds of Tools can be Useful in Building This App?

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Delphi VCL page

Delphi for Python is a powerful tool for developers who want to create cross-platform desktop applications using Python. With its comprehensive features, including powerful user interface (UI) design tools and cross-platform support, Delphi for Python can help developers create desktop applications that operate smoothly across multiple platforms. 

The Delphi FMX framework enables developers to build visually appealing and efficient GUIs that work seamlessly on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android devices. The Delphi Community Edition is a free, open-source version of the Delphi IDE, and the PythonFMXBuilder is also available for developers who prefer to work with open-source tools. With Delphi for Python, developers can reduce the time and effort required to develop cross-platform desktop applications, ensure consistent and reliable operation across all platforms, and create robust and feature-rich applications.

How Can You Create A BMI Calculator for Android Using These Tools?

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The IDE

What Are the Software Requirements to Complete this Task?

Before we dive into creating a BMI app with Delphi Ecosystem and Python, there are a few things you will need to have installed on your machine:

  1. Delphi IDE: You can download the community edition from the Embarcadero website for free.
  2. Delphi4PythonExporter tool: You can install this plugin by searching for it in the Delphi CE environment.
  3. Python: You can download the latest version of Python from the official website.
  4. Python4Delphi and PythonFMXBuilder: This library allows you to call Python functions from Delphi code. You can download it from the Python4Delphi Github repository.
  5. PyScripter or any other IDE that supports Python.

If you haven’t installed any of these tools, we recommend checking out the article “Powerful Python GUI Project Setup” to help you get started. In addition, you should have a basic understanding of Python and Delphi programming concepts to follow along with this tutorial.

Once you have all the required tools, you can proceed with the tutorial to create your BMI app using Delphi Ecosystem and Python.

You can grab the code for this tutorial from our GitHub repository using the following link:

Let’s get started with creating our BMI Calculator App!

How to Create a Form in Delphi CE?

Let us start by opening Delphi CE and creating our first blank project. We will do this by clicking Create a new Project… under the Develop tab.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Creating a  new project

Next, select Multi-Device Application:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Multi device application

Finally, select Blank Application and click Ok.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Choosing a new blank appllication

For this tutorial, we have named our project as BMI_Calculator_App.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Editing the form

Let’s start by giving our form a name. To do this, right-click on the form and select QuickEdit. Here, we will name our form MainForm with the caption BMI Calculator.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Project manager window

If you need to become more familiar with the various sections of the Delphi IDE, we recommend referring to our free eBook bundle, which covers the Delphi Python EcoSystem and all Python GUI offerings.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Ebook image

Next, we need to resize our form. To do this, head to the object inspector and search for ClientHeight and ClientWidth. Here, we will set them to 500 and 360, respectively.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The object inspector

This form will serve as the main view of our application, where the user will be able to calculate their BMI. Therefore, let us add some components to this form to make it more functional. 

First, let’s add a few labels to make it look more like an app. To do this, head on over to the Palette and search for the TLabel Component. Then, drag and drop this component into the form.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Tool palette

Next, right-click on the label and go to QuickEdit. Here we will give the name Title, and caption of BMI Calculator App.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Editing the app's title.

Now let’s modify the text style. Again, select the label and head to the Object Inspector. Next, search for TextSettings and click on the ... right next to the Font property to modify the label’s font, size, and style based on your preferences.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Choosing a font

Now, center the text using the HorzAlign and VertAlign properties in TextSettings. So select the label component, and again, under the TextSettings select the HorzAlign and VertAlign properties and adjust the properties to Center.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Changing the alignment

Here is what our form looks like:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 1

Similarly, let’s have a few more labels that will indicate the input fields for our app.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 2

Note that we have also added another label Status in the form that is not visible as it does not have any text. We will use this to display error messages to the user.

Now, we need to add a button that will help our user calculate their BMI and send them to the next form. For this, we will be using a TButton component. So go to the Palette and add a button using the TButton component.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python TButton
How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 4

Next, we will modify this button to make it more appealing. But before that, we need to change the text on the Button. So right-click the button and, using QuickEdit, rename it to ResultsButton with the caption Results.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Quick edit screen

Next, select the button and head to TextSettings. Here we will change the font size to Segoe UI with a font size of 16 and change the size of the button.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 5

Our MainForm is almost complete. Now, we just need to add two more components allowing the user to input their measurements. Head to the Palette and search for the TEdit Label. Again, we will use QuickEdit to give these components intuitive names. Here we are adding 3 TEdit components WeightEdit, HeightFeetEdit, and HeightInchEdit, that, as the name implies, allow our users to input their weight and height, respectively.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen  6

Finally, we must allow users to add their weight in either imperial or metric units. To do this, we will use a radio button. So again, head to the Palette and search for the TRadioButton component.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The palette searching for TRadioButton

We will add two radio buttons to our form, giving them a name of PoundsRadio, and KgRadio. We will also modify their appearance using TextSettings.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 8

Finally, let’s adjust the form’s background color by navigating to the Object Inspector and selecting the form’s fill property.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Using the brush designer

This completes our MainForm. Now let’s create a new form that will display our app. So right-click on BMI_Calculator_App.exe and select Add New > Multi-Device Form.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The add new screen

This will create a new form that will serve the result screen. Here we have named the form ResultsForm and its corresponding source file Results.pas. We also changed its dimension to match our MainForm.

Next, similarly to our MainForm let’s add color to our ResultsForm and add a few labels and buttons. This form will only be used to display the results to our users. Here is what our form looks like:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 9

Finally, we add a DetailsLabel to display a custom message to our users based on their BMI.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python. App screen

Now that our forms are completed, we must ensure that the buttons remain functional when we export our application as a Python project. To do this, go to each form and double-click each button to add an OnClick method to that button. The procedure will be created in the .pas file corresponding to the .fmx form.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The empty code blocks

Next, add at least one comment (//) to each procedure. This will ensure the procedure is preserved when you export it as a Python file.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Adding some comments as place holders

Can this Form be Easily Exported Into Python Code?

To export our project as Python scripts, we only need to select Tools > Export To Python > Export Current Entire Project.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Export the project

Next, we name our project BMI Calculator, and select the main form as MainForm. Finally, select the directory of your choosing and click Export:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Project exporter screen

This will generate 3 Python scripts and 2 .pyfmx scripts in our specified directory. The is used to launch our Delphi app, while, and Python files contain the classes for the individual forms. Along with the Python file for each form, Delphi also generates a .pyfmx script of the same name as each form that contains the visual information of that form. Here are the contents of each file.

How to Add Functionality to this Application?

Now that our Python scripts are ready let’s start adding functionality to our code. Start by opening our MainForm in and navigating to the __init__ function.

In our __init__ function, we will only initialize a new variable self.BMI that will store the BMI of our individual. This will then be passed to the ResultsForm, where it will be displayed. Here is what our __init__ function looks like:

Next, let’s create a GetBMI function that uses the height and weight of our individual to calculate the BMI of our user:

The BMI function checks whether the radio button for lbs is checked. If it is, it adds a conversion layer to convert the weight in pounds back into kilograms. It then uses the weight and height to generate a BMI based on our formula earlier and rounds it to 2 decimal places.

Now, let’s add functionality to our Results button. Head to the ResultsButtonClick function and start by checking whether the user has input in any fields. If the user does not have input in any fields, we use the Status label to display an error.

Next, we check whether the height input in inches is between 0 and 11:

Finally, if there are no errors, we call the GetBMI function and send the BMI to our results form. First, we import the ResultsForm from the file:

We call the GetBMI function and store its result in a separate variable. Then, we create an instance of the ResultsForm and use the .Show() method to show the form. Here is what our final ResultsButtonClick function looks like:

Here is what our final looks like:

Next, let’s move onto the ResultsForm. Open up and head to the __init__ function. As you may see, when we initialized the ResultsForm in the MainForm we passed in a BMI value that cannot be passed onto the original form. To ensure that the ResultsForm uses the value we passed, we will modify the __init__ function to take in this value:

Next, we store this BMI in a new variable self.BMI and display this to our BMIScore label using the .Text property.

Now, we define a dictionary with our custom messages that will be displayed based on the user’s weight category:

Finally, we check the user’s weight category based on their BMI and display a custom message to our DetailsLabel. Our final file looks like:

Can this Code be Used to Create a Mobile Application?

Now that our app is ready, we can use FMXBuilder to convert this into an Android app.

But before we can create our app, we need to make important adjustments to our code to make it run on Android. Start by creating a new file named and paste the content of Now, open up this new file and start making the changes.
First, we need to remove the initialization. This is done because Delphi initializes Android applications automatically, so it is unnecessary to do it manually. In addition, we don’t need to launch or destroy our app form manually, as Delphi also does this. Here is what our looks like:

Now we can build our Android app. Start by opening up the FMXBuilder and create a new project by clicking on Project > New project on the toolbar. Next, enter the name of this new project:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Create a new project

Add your Python and .pyfmx files by right-clicking on the App and selecting Add file. We won’t add but instead will be adding the

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Add a file

Now, right-click on the file and set it to the main file.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Set the main screen

Now that everything is ready, we must create the .apk file for the app using the Build Project button.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Build the project

When the .apk is fully generated, you will be prompted with a “Build process done” message in the Messages box. You can then check out your generated file in the pathtoPythonFMXBuilderGUIexeFolderappsBMIbin folder.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python The APK file

Now, you must copy the .apk file into your phone’s storage. Next, install this file by accessing it on your Android device. Once your app is installed, you can use it like any other app on your phone.

Does the App Fulfill all Requirements?

Here is what our final app looks like:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 12

If you press Results without selecting any field, you get an error message:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 13

Similarly, if you leave any field empty, you also get an error message:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 14

Once you’ve filled in all the fields and press Results, you will be navigated to the ResultsForm.

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 15

Here you will be presented with your BMI along with a custom message:

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 16

You will also be given messages for being healthy, underweight, and overweight:

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How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 18
How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python App screen 19

Are You Ready to Create More Such Apps?

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python Are you ready

Creating a BMI calculator app using Python and the Delphi ecosystem offers an excellent opportunity for Python developers to enhance their programming skills and produce useful tools that can benefit others. Furthermore, with the help of Delphi’s FireMonkey GUI framework, developers can easily create a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing app that can be accessed on multiple platforms, including Android and iOS.

The Delphi ecosystem offers a wide range of development tools and libraries, making it an excellent choice for those who want to quickly build powerful and efficient apps. In addition, the cross-platform compatibility of DelphiFMX means that the app you create can be used by a wider audience, regardless of their device or operating system.

By utilizing the features and tools of the Delphi ecosystem, developers can significantly accelerate the app creation process, leading to quicker development and deployment times. 

So, don’t wait any longer – start building your next app with the Delphi ecosystem today!

What Are Some FAQs Regarding This Topic?

How to Create a BMI App With Delphi Ecosystem And Python FAQ Screen

What is the Delphi ecosystem?

The Delphi ecosystem is a collection of development tools, libraries, and frameworks used for building applications across multiple platforms, including Windows, Android, and iOS.

What is the FireMonkey GUI framework, and why is it useful for app development?

The FireMonkey GUI framework is a cross-platform UI toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for applications. It’s useful for app development because it provides a rich set of UI controls, allows easy UI elements customization, and supports multiple platforms.

Can I use the BMI calculator app on my smartphone?

Yes, you can use the BMI calculator app on your smartphone. The app can be developed to support both Android and iOS platforms, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Can the BMI calculator app calculate BMI for children?

Yes, the BMI calculator app can calculate BMI for children and adults. However, the BMI calculation formula for children is different. Moreover, if you feel that your child may have certain health problems, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for a more accurate assessment of a child’s health.

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