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Lists of All Available BitBtnKind

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BitBtnKind is used to identify the appearance and use of a DelphiVCL.BitBtn control.

BitBtnKind specifies how a TBitBtn control is rendered and how it behaves when clicked. The following table lists all the possible values:

Value Meaning
bkCustom The button uses the Glyph property to determine the image that appears. There is no associated ModalResult value. Instead, you must explicitly select a ModalResult for the button or supply the code to respond using an action or an OnClick event.
bkOK The text “OK” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a green checkmark). The button becomes the default button (the Default property is automatically set to true.) When the user chooses the button, the dialog box closes. The resulting ModalResult value of the button is mrOk.
bkCancel The text “Cancel” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a red X). The button becomes the Cancel button (the Cancel property is automatically set to true). When the user chooses the button, the dialog box closes. The resulting ModalResult value of the bitmap button is mrCancel.
bkYes The text “Yes” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a green check mark). The button becomes the default button (the Default property is automatically set to true). When the user chooses the button, any changes the user made in the dialog box are accepted and the dialog box closes. The resulting ModalResult value of the bitmap button is mrYes.
bkNo The text “No” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a red no symbol). The button becomes the Cancel button (the Cancel property is automatically set to true). When the user chooses the button, any changes the user made in the dialog box are canceled and the dialog box closes. The resulting ModalResult value of the bitmap button is mrNo.
bkHelp The text “Help” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a cyan question mark). When the user chooses the button, the help topic associated with the button is automatically displayed.
bkClose The text “Close” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a door with a green exit sign over it). When the user chooses the button, the form closes. The Default property of the button is true.
bkAbort The text “Abort” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a red X).
bkRetry The text “Retry” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a green circular arrow).
bkIgnore The text “Ignore” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a green man walking away). Use it to allow the user to continue after an error has occurred.
bkAll The text “Yes to All” appears on the button face (possibly accompanied by a double green check-mark).

You can find all the possible values above, using this command:

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