Learn PythonPythonPython GUI

You Need To Write Less, Test More With Regression Testing

Here’s another great talk from the recently concluded PyCon. In this video, Igor T. Ghisi will discuss data regression testing and how exactly this procedure can help you in your Python project. As the data structures of a project increase in size and complexity, it becomes harder and harder to preserve test completeness. Testing objects with dozens of attributes and arrays with hundreds of…
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Python GUI

Python Tools: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Python is considered one of the most widely used programming languages globally. It is famous for its readable syntax, dynamic nature, and robust object-oriented nature.Additionally, Python’s applications form a diverse variety, from being the first programming…
Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Everything You Need To Create Transparent Windows With Tkinter

The best part of using the Tkinter GUI framework in Python is that you can get full control of the elements you want to add to your application. The widget-based system makes it easy to input elements and functions using a simple line of codes and commands. There are many areas to explore in Tkinter and despite the apparent simplicity, you will be surprised by the things you can do in this…
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Python GUI

9 Signs You Need Help With Python Tools

Python is a widely used and highly recognized programming language that has millions of users. It is widely utilized by developers in a variety of fields, including web development and machine learning. When they first started programming, many developers learned and used…
Python GUI

This Is The Ultimate Python Tools Dream Team

Python has grown in popularity among programmers due to its simplicity and convenience of use since its inception. Not only that, but it has a lot of features. It is the easiest to use and learn programming language for novice programmers, allowing them to be in demand in the industry. It is versatile and supports a variety of programming paradigms. Although rookie programmers consider Python to…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What Is A delphivcl.PaintBox And How Does It Work?

DelphiVCL.PaintBox or TPaintBox provides a canvas that applications can use for rendering an image when you develop Windows software. We can use TPaintBox to add custom images to a form. Unlike TImage, which displays an image that is stored in a bitmap, icon, or metafile, TPaintBox requires an application to draw the image directly on a canvas. Use the OnPaint event handler to draw on the paint…
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