Adding a Text Box Widget to your Python script with Tkinter is probably one of the most common things you can do with the framework. With a simple set of codes, you cam easily add these elements in attempt to make your GUI more interactive and more visually appealing. Interestingly, the functionality of the Text Box Widget doesn’t just end there. A text widget is used for multi-line text area. The Tkinter text widget is very powerful and flexible and can be used for a wide range of tasks. Though one of the main purposes is to provide simple multi-line areas, as they are often used in forms, text widgets can also be used as simple text editors or even web browsers.
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How do we display images in our Python GUI text boxes?
In this video, John Elder of Codemy will teach us how to add images to your text widget with Tkinter and Python. He will also demonstrate how to change the color highlighting of the text in the box to yellow. As well as how to add a scrollbar to the text widget itself. add a scrollbar to the text widget itself. If you want to learn more, feel free to watch the Python GUI video tutorial below.