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Python For Delphi VCL vs PySide GUI Comparison Guide

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Are you an expert in desktop apps and GUI development who want to also work with Python because of its simplicity, flexible use, and growing demand in the market out there? Or are you a Python Developer at any level who wants to start a GUI development journey? This article is for you.

We will review the two examples of the most powerful Python Desktop App and GUI Frameworks: Python For Delphi (P4D) VCL vs PySide GUI.


1. Python For Delphi VCL

How about combining the strength of GUI and desktop app development by Delphi with Python for your applications, to provide first-class solutions for your customer needs? Python4Delphi is the answer to your need!

Python for Delphi (P4D) is a set of free components that wrap up the Python DLL into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). They let you easily execute Python scripts, and powerfully create new Python modules and new Python types.

The best advantage of P4D is, it makes it very easy to use Python as a scripting language for Delphi applications that comes with a very extensive range of customizable demos and tutorials that ready to use to develop real-world apps. In shorts: P4D gives you various real-world “Hello World!” apps that ready to adjust to your needs! 

Prerequisites: Before you begin to work with Python4Delphi VCL, download and install the latest Python for your platform. Follow the Python4Delphi installation instructions mentioned here. Alternatively, you can check out the easy instructions found in this video Getting started with Python4Delphi and the behind the scene details of how Delphi manages to run your Python code in this amazing Python GUI can be found at this link.

Here are some working example of it, runs on RAD Studio:

0 rundemo1 3785324
Demo01 to Run any Python Scripts on Delphi

Demo31: Using WrapDelphi to access Delphi Form attributes:

1 1demo31 8890713

Access Open Notify (Open APIs From Space) using Python REST Client from Delphi VCL:

1 2pythonrestclients 2800665


2. PySide GUI

PySide is Python library to create cross-platform graphical user interfaces. It is a Python binding to the Qt framework. Qt library is one of the most powerful GUI libraries. It is developed by Digia and Qt Project.

PySide is implemented as a set of Python modules. Currently it has 15 modules. These modules provide powerful tools to work with GUI, multimedia, XML documents, network or databases.

How can we use PySide GUI?

The steps for using the GUI package PySide are:

  1. Install PySide using pip or easy install:

See the installation progress in your command prompt:

2 1 6277415


2. As with any other programming framework, you start with the traditional “Hello World” program.

Here is a simple example of an Hello World in PySide:

Let’s see how PySide “Hello World!” looks like in PyScripter IDE:

2 2 8221720


3. Creating Simple Form.

Let’s try another example: Creating a simple Form with a Button:

See how it looks like by running it in PyScripter IDE:

2 3 2168835



Congratulations, you already learn the amazing example of GUI development by Python4Delphi vs PySide GUI!

Now it’s time for you to try it yourself, and please comment below for which one is your favorite that best suits your needs!

Check out Python4Delphi which easily allows you to build Python GUIs for Windows using Delphi.

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