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How To Make More Than 20 ChatGPT Prompts Work With Python GUI Builders And NumPy Library?

With the growing demand for Data Science and Analytics skill sets, performing complex transformations or mathematical calculations with matrices or arrays is one of the skills you absolutely need. Are you looking for a simple way to integrate powerful N-dimensional array objects, sophisticated (broadcasting) functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code, useful linear algebra, Fourier…
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CodeDelphiDelphiFMXLearn PythonProjectsPythonPython GUI

How To Create A Weather App With The Python Delphi Ecosystem and Weatherstack API

Weather has always held a certain fascination for us, shaping our daily decisions and guiding our plans. As technology continues to weave itself into every facet of our lives, it’s no surprise that it has also transformed how we interact with the weather. In this article, we will create a weather app that blends the power of the Python Delphi ecosystem with the rich data streams of the…
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CodeDelphiDelphiFMXLearn PythonProjectsPythonPython GUI

How To Use LangChain and DelphiFMX To Create a Custom Chat App

These days there is a lot of discussion about deep-learning chatbots such as ChatGPT. There are packages like LangChain which make consuming these models easier. This tutorial will guide you through a project combining LangChain and DelphiFMX‘s innovative capabilities to craft a unique and personalized custom chat app. So, let’s get started! What is Langchain? LangChain is a…
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CodeDelphiDelphiFMXLearn PythonProjectsPythonPython GUI

How To Create An ML-Powered Food Classification App Using The Python Delphi Ecosystem

In this tutorial, we will unleash the power of machine learning and Delphi’s ecosystem to create an ingenious food classification app. Experience the future of food identification, empowering users to make informed choices with real-time analysis, all at their fingertips. Let’s dive into the exciting journey of building an ML-powered food classification app using Delphi. What…
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