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Everything You Need To Connect Tkinter To A SQLite Database

When it comes to Graphical User Interface or GUI Programming in Python, Tkinter is a default toolkit or default library available for users, especially for beginners to build some robust small-scale applications in Python. While there are many other options available but when it comes to simplicity and the ease-of-use, Tkinter is by far the easier module to create rapid applications. It helps to…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIWindows

What Are The Differences Between C++ and Python?

Whether you write a C++ app or a Python app you are using two quite different programming languages. They are both considered to be the most popular and most used programming languages of all time. When comparing the two programming languages, most people often describe C++ as a difficult but fast language while Python is often characterized by its simplicity yet slow performance. Interestingly…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Why You Should Use Azure For Easy Data Processing

So, using your ide software you were able to build a web application and you want your project to be completely functional, running, and visible to everyone. Your web application must live somewhere other than your own desktop or laptop and to do so, you must deploy your project to a physical infrastructure that could run all the layers of software. Having or building a dedicated server, however…
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This Is How To Make A Deep Learning Computer Vision App

Are you looking for the easiest way to implement Deep Learning for Computer Vision and build a nice GUI for them, and all of them are free? You can deliver end-to-end Deep Learning for Computer Vision solutions easily by combining GluonCV and Python4Delphi library, inside your Delphi or C++Builder IDE software. This post will guide you on how to run the GluonCV library and use Python for Delphi…
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