Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

How To Make Your Apps Convert Text To Speech

If you’re just starting to explore windows app development with Tkinter in Python, you might as well consider watching this amazing tutorial series by John Elder of Codemy. His tutorial series was divided into multiple parts that allow you to learn everything about Tkinter and Python from the very basic to the most advanced tools that you can create. In this video, we will be introduced to…
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DelphiDelphiVCLPythonPython GUIWindows

What Is The OnException Event in delphivcl.Application?

The OnException or delphivcl.Application.OnException event occurs when an unhandled exception occurs in the application. This is a fundamental error event to understand when you develop Windows software. How is the delphivcl.Application.OnException event used? Use OnException to change the default behavior that occurs when an exception (a critical error) is not handled by regular application…
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DelphiLearn PythonPythonPython GUIRAD StudioWindows

How To Build A GUI For Deep Learning With Apache’s MXNet

Are you looking for a truly open-source deep learning framework suited for flexible research prototyping and production, and building a nice GUI for them? You can deliver ultra-scalable deep learning solutions easily by combiningMXNetandPython4Delphilibrary, insideDelphi and C++Builder. This post will guide you onhow to run the MXNet library and use Python…
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