Learn PythonPythonPython GUI

Everything You Need To Play Sounds And Music In Python Apps

Do you want to be able to make your Python apps play sounds and music? Whether it’s Linux, macOS or app development on Windows, adding sounds or the ability to play music adds a great new dimension to your programs and lifts them free of being restricted to the beeps and “oh oh” chimes of the operating system. You will be learning how to use sounds in Tkinter with this video.
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

Why You Should Deploy Django On A Serverless Infrastructure

If you are familiar with Django Girls, it is a non-profit organization and a huge community that empowers and helps women to organize one-day programming workshops for free. The workshop helps aspiring female programmers to build their first-ever web applications using HTML, CSS, Python, and Django. Of course, building your web application is just the first step. You should also learn how to…
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Learn PythonPythonPython GUIVideos

How To Make Your Projects Build Securely

I guess we can all agree that security and privacy are both important factors that we must highly consider before dealing with any type of application. Some IDE software helps immensely, of course, but unfortunately, many companies are taking advantage of this where users’ personal information is being compromised. In this video presented by Rebeca Sarai, we will learn more about privacy and…
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Learn PythonPythonVideos

This Is How To Automatically Test Your Web Apps

Are you new to Python or are there many areas that you have not explored yet? Well, interestingly, most of the PyCon 2020 hands-on tutorial can now be accessed online. Andrew Knight was one of the active speakers from the recently concluded event. He shared multiple talks and tutorials on various Python-related topics. He recently shared how he managed to create an application that can translate…
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